Brent (Brent) A. Money (R-SH002)
Capitol: 512.463.0845 FAX: 512.463.5896 District: 919.550.2100
Capitol Extension 1100 Congress Avenue Austin, TX 78701
District Office: 2606 Lee Street Greenville, TX 75401
Elected: 2024 Next Election: 2026 | |
BioThe people of northeast Texas are stalwart, principled conservatives. If you live in Hopkins, Hunt, or Van Zandt County, you know that this isn't the time to gamble with the future of Texas. We need someone we know to be true to our Texas values. We need someone whose handshake is their bond. We need someone who won't betray us in Austin.
I'm Brent Money. If you've lived in this area for a time, you might know of my family's good name. I'm a sixth generation Texan who has had the privilege of serving for many years as the city attorney for Greenville, Quinlan, and other cities while also representing businesses and individual clients in a variety of civil matters. I served two terms on the Greenville City Council before being termed out in 2021. My law practice and real estate title business employs 40 people and serves hundreds more each month, many of whom are your family and friends.
If we look around, we know that government is not "of the people, by the people, and for the people" like it was intended. Instead, our elected officials are serving their own selfish interests and hurting our way of life, our families, and our businesses. Protecting the innocence and lives of children used to be a given. Protecting our borders from invasion was obvious. Believing parents can make the best decisions for their child's education was intuitive. We need someone who will fight for common sense Texas values as this district's representative. We also need someone who can actually win those fights.
We know that moral decay, bigger government, and record spending is not what made Texas great. Texas values are hallmarked by the principles of faith, family, and service to a cause higher than ourselves. Now is the time to invest in Texas, to fight for common sense and the Texas values we share, and not settle for anything less than what's right.
Representing this district is not about me; it is a calling that I approach seriously and prayerfully. I believe strongly in the parable of the talents. One day, I will have to demonstrate to God Himself that I invested all that He gave me doing what He called me to do. It's also about family, both mine and yours. I've been married to my high school sweetheart, Heidi, for over 23 years. We have five children, including children adopted through foster care. My parents taught me that when I'm entrusted with something, I should leave it better than I found it. It is imperative that we leave our children a Texas that's better than the one we were given.
This is why I'm running to be your next representative in Austin. I ask that you join me. I humbly ask for your vote, and for your help to gain the trust of those around you so that we can win this fight. Together, our work to reclaim and preserve our culture will pay off in freedom for us and for generations to follow.