Tony (Tony) Gonzales, II (R-USH23)
Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 202.225.4511
FAX: 202.225.2237
District: 432.299.6200
Room 2239 RHOB- Rayburn House Office Building 50 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20515-4323

Residence: San Antonio, TX
Elected: 2020    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Angel   DOB: 10/10/1980
Committee Assignments
FC MemberBipartisan Congressional School Health and Safety Caucus
Co-ChairFor Country Caucus
Co-ChairSchool Safety and Security Caucus
Co-ChairCongressional Head Start to Congress Caucus
Co-ChairCongressional Hispanic Conference
Co-ChairLatino-Jewish Congressional Caucus
MemberHouse Subcommittee on Border Security and Enforcement
MemberHouse Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Law Enforcement, and Intelligence
FC MemberU.S.-Philippines Friendship Caucus
MemberHouse Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies
MemberHouse Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies
MemberHouse Subcommittee on Homeland Security
FC MemberCongressional Pacific Islands Caucus
FC MemberHouse Abraham Accords Caucus
MemberHouse Committee on Homeland Security
FC MemberIndia Caucus
FC MemberU.S.-Japan Caucus
FC MemberFriends of Australia Caucus
FC MemberProblem Solvers Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Zoo and Aquarium Caucus
FC MemberHouse Impact Aid Coalition
FC MemberCongressional Taiwan Caucus
MemberHouse Committee on Appropriations
FC MemberConservative Climate Caucus
FC MemberRepublican Study Committee (RSC)
Counties Representing
Bexar / Brewster / Crane / Crockett / Culberson / Dimmit / Edwards / El Paso / Frio / Hudspeth / Jeff Davis / Kinney / La Salle / Loving / Maverick / Medina / Pecos / Presidio / Reagan / Reeves / Schleicher / Sutton / Terrell / Upton / Uvalde / Val Verde / Ward / Winkler / Zavala


Congressman Tony Gonzales is a dedicated patriot with twenty years of military experience. Abandoned by his father at the age of two months, Tony knew he had to work hard to get ahead in life. At the age of 18, he dropped out of high school with one credit left to join the military and provide a path to success for himself and his family.

As a career cryptologist in the United States Navy, he rose to the highest enlisted rank of Master Chief Petty Officer for his support of combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. With multiple deployments to the Middle East and Asia, Tony has firsthand experience about the security challenges that face our country and the international community at large.

Harnessing his military background, Tony also served on Capitol Hill as a Department of Defense Legislative Fellow for U.S. Senator Marco Rubio. In his time there, he contributed to the defense, foreign policy, and intelligence portfolios. In 2018, Tony was selected as a National Security Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD).

Tony worked hard to get ahead in life. He understands the value that a good education can provide. Although he had to postpone high school when he joined the Navy, he later earned his high school diploma and continued to pursue higher education. He holds a Master's degree in International Relations from American Public University and is a Ph.D. candidate in International Development at the University of Southern Mississippi. He also holds a graduate certificate in Legislative Studies from Georgetown University, and serves as an Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland system, where he teaches political science with an emphasis on counterterrorism.

Congressman Gonzales is married to his wife Angel and they have six wonderful children.