Johnny (Johnny) Chastain (R-SH007)
Email - Web Site

Capitol: 404.656.0325
FAX: 404.656.5644
District: 706.632.2221
District FAX: 706.632.6193
Speaker of the House
Georgia House of Representatives
Room 612-E Coverdell Legislative Office Building 18 Capitol Square, SW
Atlanta, GA 30334

District Office:
18 Capitol Square, SW
Atlanta, GA 30334
Elected: 2023    Next Election: 2026
Committee Assignments
MemberHouse Committee on Banks and Banking
MemberHouse Committee on Small Business Development
MemberHouse Committee on Rural Development
MemberHouse Committee on Natural Resources and Environment
Counties Representing
Dawson / Fannin / Gilmer


I work daily to invest in families and strengthen communities. For the past 37 years I have been in the banking industry serving Blue Ridge, Ellijay, Dawson and the North Georgia area. Accessible, responsive, and transparent to all. I believe our next representative should not just talk about, but live these traits. That's why I am running, and I needs your vote.

North Georgia is very special to me. This is the community my parents, grandparents, and great grandparents have chosen as home for the past 4 generations. I am proud that my children all have chosen to also stay right here in the N. Ga Mountains as well. Stacy Walden and I married in 1985 (37 yrs) and we worship at Helping Hand Fellowship Church where I serve as a Deacon. We have 3 adult children, Kristin C. Kay (Thomas), Kory Chastain, Kaitlyn Chastain and 4 grandkids; Emma & Khloe (10), Ellie (7), and Kamren (4).

I am tired of politicians that, while running, take positions on issues, make promises and statements [that they end up later breaking] and run a slash and burn campaign attacking their opponents. That's not me. I won't do it. I will, however, tell you where my core values come from, and how I will make decisions. Conservative Christian values are at the core of who I am - this means that I am pro-life and will work to protect the innocent & unborn. Constitution Conservative- what does our U.S. and Georgia Constitution say? Words have meaning. Our forefathers, with wisdom from the Almighty, wrote documents that have lasted the ages enshrining our Rights. The government did not give, nor can they take our Rights away. Fiscal Conservative- I will lead on the budget to give you and your family your dollars back and eliminate the State Income Tax. Per capita spending in Georgia is lowest in the country. I will work to spend wisely and balance the budget each year.

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