Mitchell (Mitchell) Scoggins (R-SH014)
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Capitol: 404.656.0254
FAX: 404.656.5644
District: 770.383.9171
District FAX: 770.383.9170
Georgia House of Representatives
Room 601-A Coverdell Legislative Office Building 18 Capitol Square, SW
Atlanta, GA 30334

District Office:
PO Box 18
Rydal, GA 30171
Elected: 2018    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Donna Wade   
Committee Assignments
ChairmanHouse Committee on Special Rules
MemberHouse Committee on Code Revision
MemberHouse Committee on Reapportionment and Redistricting
MemberHouse Committee on Judiciary
MemberHouse Committee on Budget and Fiscal Affairs Oversight
MemberHouse Committee on Higher Education
MemberHouse Committee on Transportation
Counties Representing
Bartow / Cherokee / Floyd


Representative Scoggins represents House District 14, which includes portions of Bartow and Floyd counties. Mitchell was born and raised in Bartow County, Georgia. He grew up working on a poultry and cattle farm near the Pine Log area and the city of Rydal. Mitchell is the son of parents Harris and Jane Scoggins and has four siblings. Mike, Mark, Myron and Melissa. He began his career within the Bartow County Government in the early 1980's as a firefighter. Mitchell went on to work for Bartow County Tax Commissioner Jack Nally for five years until he was elected as a probate judge in 1988 and took office on January 1, 1989. Mitchell served seven unopposed terms. After years of dedicated work, Mitchell decided to retire in 2016. Mitchell has been married to his wife, Donna Wade of Clemson, South Carolina, for more than 40 years. Donna is a retired educator of 39 years. Mitchell and Donna share two sons together, Kurt and Blake. Kurt is a teacher and coach and is married to his wife, Lindsay, who is a teacher as well. Blake is an attorney and is married to his wife, Ashley, who is also a teacher. They are the grandparents to three grandchildren, Sophia, Sela Kate and Warren.

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