Joseph (Joseph) Gullett (R-SH019)
Email - Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 404.656.0178
FAX: 404.656.5644
District: 678.520.5140
District FAX: 770.439.9108
Georgia House of Representatives
Room 501-D Coverdell Legislative Office Building 18 Capitol Square, SW
Atlanta, GA 30334

District Office:
PO Box 801626
Acworth, GA 30101
Elected: 2018    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Jessica   
Committee Assignments
ChairmanSubcommittee on Judicial
MemberHouse Committee on Appropriations
MemberHouse Committee on Governmental Affairs
MemberHouse Committee on Technology and Infrastructure Innovation
MemberHouse Committee on Judiciary, Juvenile
MemberHouse Committee on Banks and Banking
MemberHouse Committee on Insurance
MemberHouse Committee on Judiciary Non-Civil
Counties Representing


I ran for office because the people of Paulding County - and all Georgians - deserve representation that is fiscally responsible and holds true to our conservative values. My voting record proves that I continue to give you just that- lower taxes, government accountability, and a commitment to public safety.

I am a proven leader with a deep understanding of the issues that matter most to you. I'm often referred to as the busiest man in the legislature. It's because I work tirelessly to find practical, common-sense solutions that promote economic growth, advance access to quality healthcare, and improve educational opportunities.

First and foremost, I am a Christian, a husband, and a father. My family belongs to Rock Springs Church, led by Pastor Benny Tate. My faith informs my values and guides me in my life decisions. My wife and I made the decision to grow our family by adopting through Georgia's foster care system. Because of this experience, I have firsthand knowledge of what it takes to keep our children safe and see that every child in Georgia has their forever family. Like you, I depend upon the middle class economy to provide for my family's needs. I believe in the principles of lower taxes, limited government intervention, and economic freedom. These are the fundamental concepts that help ensure we can keep more of our hard-earned money, invest in our futures, and make choices that align with our values.

Serving as your State Representative is not a job I take lightly. I am truly humbled and honored that you have entrusted me with this responsibility. I earned the nickname Conservative Workhorse because I am committed to getting the job done, not getting credit.

I recognize the power of principled leadership in shaping a society that fosters opportunity, individual liberty, and limited government. When I decided to enter into public service, I wasn't driven by personal ambition. Rather, I was, and continue to be, galvanized by a genuine concern for the future of our state. Like you, Georgia is where I work, live, and raise my family.

From the grassroots level to broader policy discussions, my experiences have taught me that Georgians are worried first and foremost about having good jobs, educational opportunities, and a safe place to call home. As your state representative, I have a proven record of championing these values.

Few things in this life will bring you more joy and satisfaction than helping others. Giving back to our community is a top priority for me. I enjoy the opportunity to meet new people and be a part of something bigger than myself.

Ways to get involved in our community are plentiful. Be it a special talent to share or a busy schedule to accommodate, there are opportunities for community engagement to suit everyone.

Copyright @1996-2015 Association County Commissioners of Georgia