Capitol: 404.656.7855 FAX: 404.656.5644 District: 770.983.2223 District FAX:
Representative Georgia House of Representatives
Room 401-C State Capitol 206 Washington Street, SW Atlanta, GA 30334
District Office: 4317 Tall Hickory Trail Gainesville, GA 30506
Elected: 2012 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Sharon Beltramo DOB: 8/22/1951 |
BioRepresentative Lee Hawkins was born in Gainesville, Georgia. He graduated from Gainesville High School and went on to attend Oxford College for his associate degree; Emory University for his bachelor's degree; University of Georgia for his post-graduate degree; and returned to Emory University School of Dentistry earning his D.D.S. degree. Today, he is a practicing dentist with his son, Ben, in Gainesville, Georgia. Dr. Hawkins was elected president of the Georgia Dental Association (GDA) in 2003. Later, he served as chairman of the delegation to the American Dental Association. He has been recognized by his colleagues as an Honorable Fellow of the GDA, Northern District Dentist of the Year, selected as a Fellow of the American College of Dentist, a Fellow of the International College of Dentistry, a Fellow of the Pierre Fauchard Academy and has received the Meritorious Service Award from the Emory Dental Alumni Association. In 2007, Hawkins was elected to the Georgia State Senate, where he served until 2010. During this time, he served as the chairman of State and Local Governmental Operations Committee, vice chairman of the Reapportionment and MARTOC committees and secretary of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee. He also served as a member of the Health and Human Services and Natural Resources and the Environment committees. In 2013, Hawkins was elected to the Georgia House of Representatives, where he represents the House District 27, which includes Hall and White counties. He currently serves the chairman of the Budget and Fiscal Affairs Oversight Committee, as well as the secretary of the Regulated Industries Committee. He also currently serves as a member on the Banks & Banking, Health & Human Services, Insurance, Rules and Small Business Development committees. Hawkins has received the following recognitions- Legislator of the Year Award Award of Excellence by the Academy of Independent Pharmacy Friends of Agriculture Legislative Award from the County Commissioners of Georgia President's Award from the Free Dental Clinics of Georgia He and his wife, Sharon, have seven children- Nora, Ivory Michelle, Benjamin, Elizabeth, Meredith, Jim and Charlie.