Capitol: 404.656.7857 FAX: 404.656.5644 District: 706.367.5891 District FAX: 706.658.5734
Representative Georgia House of Representatives
Room 401-J State Capitol 206 Washington Street, SW Atlanta, GA 30334
District Office: 4495 Bryant Quarter Road Gillsville, GA 30543
Elected: 2011 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Elaine Mills |
BioEmory Dunahoo, Jr. is a retired successful businessman/entrepreneur, husband and father. He has raised his family in North Georgia where he has lived for the past 54 years.
He has spent much of his time giving back to his community through organizations like J.A.K.E.S day (NWTF) outreach for children, Challenged Child, Men's Outdoor Ministry and annual mission trips.
Emory originally ran for office during a special election in 2011 from a field of 7challengers. He felt that his district needed continued conservative representation that was in the true interest of its constituents. He has delivered on that for the past 11 years while serving in the State House; serving to keep the state of Georgia a great place for his family and neighbors.
He is serving his sixth term in the Georgia House of Representatives and serves on the Agriculture and Consumer Affairs, Banks and Banking, Game, Fish, and Parks, Information and Audits (Vice Chairman), Interstate Cooperation Committee, State Properties Legislative Committee (Vice Chairman), and Appropriations Health,
Emory has been married to Elaine since 1981 and have three grown children and seven grandchildren.