Alan (Alan) Powell (R-SH033)
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Capitol: 404.463.3793
FAX: 404.656.5644
District: 706.206.6500
District FAX: 706.283.6656
Georgia House of Representatives
Room 613-B Coverdell Legislative Office Building 18 Capitol Square, SW
Atlanta, GA 30334

District Office:
3059 Ridge Road
Hartwell, GA 30643
Elected: 1990    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Bonnie   DOB: 11/10/1951
Committee Assignments
ChairmanHouse Committee on Regulated Industries
MemberHouse Committee on Motor Vehicles
MemberSubcommittee on Public Safety
MemberHouse Committee on Governmental Affairs
MemberHouse Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security
MemberHouse Committee on Rules
MemberHouse Committee on Transportation
MemberHouse Committee on Appropriations
Counties Representing
Columbia / Elbert / Franklin / Hart / Lincoln / Madison / Wilkes


Born on November 10 in Hartwell, Georgia, Representative Alan Powell graduated from Hart County High School. He later attended Georgia Southwestern College, where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Political Science. He is a lifelong resident of Hartwell and resides on the shores of Lake Hartwell. He is the owner of Red Clay Properties and was elected to the Georgia House of Representatives in 1990. He is a senior member of the Georgia House of Representatives. Before his election to the Georgia General Assembly, he served as chairman of the Hart County Board of Commissioners. He has been a strong advocate of the Second Amendment, right to life, elderly and rural healthcare, and election integrity. He has been recognized by numerous organizations as Legislator of the Year and has received awards from ACCG, Chiefs of Police, Georgia Cable Association, Emory Center for Injury Prevention, NRA, National FFA Organization, and others for his sound public policy, continued leadership, and support of business in Georgia. He received an Associate Life Membership from the Peace Officers Association of Georgia, is a Distinguished Member of GeorgiaCarry, and a Paul Harris Fellow. In the Georgia House of Representatives, he has served as chairman of the Motor Vehicles and Public Safety & Homeland Security committees. He currently serves as the chairman of the Regulated Industries Committee and is a standing member of the Appropriations, Governmental Affairs, Interstate Cooperation, Motor Vehicles, Public Safety & Homeland Security, Rules, Small Business Development, and Technology Infrastructure & Innovation committees. He was appointed to the Board of Homeland Security by Governor Nathan Deal in 2018, where he continues to serve. He is the State Representative for House District 33, which covers Franklin and Hart counties and a portion of Madison County.

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