Capitol: 404.656.0314 FAX: 404.656.5644 District: 770.891.9736 District FAX:
Representative-Elect Georgia House of Representatives
Room 611-E Coverdell Legislative Office Building 18 Capitol Square, SW Atlanta, GA 30334
District Office: 3721 New Macland Road Powder Springs, GA 30127
Elected: 2010 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Penny |
Counties Representing |
Cobb |
BioAs State Representative for the 38th House District, David serves on the Education, Juvenile Justice, Retirement and Budget and Fiscal Affairs Oversight committees.
David was selected as Chair of the Cobb County Legislative Delegation by his fellow legislators. He is first Democrat to hold this position in decades and the first ever African American.
During his time at the Capitol, David has been a strong advocate for public education and fought for increased funding after years of cuts at the Capitol.
David has fought tax giveaways to the rich and supported tax legislation to bring relief to middle class families.
David graduated from North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University with a degree in Accounting. After graduation, David begin his professional career at the Big 4 accounting firm, Deloitte & Touche, where he earned his CPA credentials.
David and his wife Penny have two children and reside in Powder Springs. David enjoys a variety of sports and coached youth soccer.