Capitol: 404.656.0265 FAX: 404.656.5644 District: 404.652.9227 District FAX: 770.956.9693
Representative Georgia House of Representatives
Room 604-F Coverdell Legislative Office Building 18 Capitol Square, SW Atlanta, GA 30334
District Office: 2162 Caneridge Drive Marietta, GA 30064
Elected: 2012 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Ryisha |
Counties Representing |
Cobb |
BioMichael has lived in Cobb County for most of his life; having attended Garrett Middle School, South Cobb High School, and Kennesaw State University. After graduating from Kennesaw State University, he and his wife decided to raise their four children in the district.
For the past six years, Michael Smith has served as the State Representative for District 41. During his service as State Representative, he has proposed legislation on voter registration and education. As a result, Georgians can more easily complete or amend their voter registration and find their polling place. Michael passed legislation allowing children who move during the academic year an opportunity to stay at their current school.
Michael has also sponsored legislation that would require early child care programs and schools to work with parents, guardians, faculty, and law enforcement to demonstrate preparedness for emergencies. In addition, Michael sponsored legislation that would examine the current criteria used to assess the performance of schools and school systems to determine whether components should be retained or revised to reduce the emphasis on standardized test.
In collaboration with other house members, Michael made efforts to raise awareness and help fight the ongoing battle against child and sexual abuse, improved the coverage of HOPE Grants, and brought over a half a billion dollars to our local schools, the most ever!
Michael serves on the Code Revision, Interstate Cooperation, Science and Technology, Special Rules, and State Properties Committees. Additionally, he serves as the Secretary/Treasurer for the Cobb County Delegation and the Chairman of the Education and Youth committee for the Georgia Legislative Black Caucus.
Michael has proudly served his community as an educator for the Cobb County School District. If re-elected, Michael plans to continue to serve as the State Representative for District 41 advocating for local businesses, seniors, access to great schools, and overall seeing Cobb County move forward.