Capitol: 404.656.0188 FAX: 404.656.5644 District: 770.742.8548 District FAX: 770.574.1510
Representative Georgia House of Representatives
Room 504-A Coverdell Legislative Office Building 18 Capitol Square, SW Atlanta, GA 30334
District Office: 18 Capitol Square, SW Atlanta, GA 30334
Elected: 2022 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Meredith |
BioScott Hilton is a common-sense conservative who loves God, his family and Georgia. Scott serves as Senior Vice-President for Commercial Banking at SouthState Bank. In this role, Scott works closely with small business owners to provide valuable financial advice and capital to grow their businesses. Previously, Scott served as Executive Director of the Georgians First Commission under the Office of Governor Kemp. The Georgians First Commission led the Governor's effort to reduce red tape and streamline government for the benefit of small business. Prior to this role, Scott spent a career in commercial banking at a regional financial institution and previously served in the Georgia General Assembly from 2016 - 2018. Scott graduated from Georgetown University, with majors in finance and international business. Scott also graduated from Emory University's accelerated MBA program with a concentration in capital markets. Scott is active in his community, having served as President of the Fowler Family YMCA Board and past-President of the Peachtree Corners Civic Association. Scott is a graduate of Leadership Georgia, the Conservative Policy Leadership Institute, and LEAD Atlanta. Scott and his wife, Meredith, live in Peachtree Corners with their three children. Meredith owns a law practice specializing in estate-planning and special needs law. Their family enjoys hiking, traveling and pickleball.