Capitol: 404.656.0287 FAX: 404.656.5644 District: 404.444.0114 District FAX: 770.481.7111
Representative Georgia House of Representatives
Room 607-B Coverdell Legislative Office Building 18 Capitol Square, SW Atlanta, GA 30334
District Office: 18 Capitol Square, SW Atlanta, GA 30334
Elected: 2022 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Roger |
BioEsther has always advocated for those without voice or representation, first as a public defender in Miami and Fulton County and later in private practice, assisting victims of domestic violence and Boy Scout abuse. Her passion for public service traces back to childhood when she lobbied the Florida Legislature to add seat belts in school buses. More recently, she has been on the front lines of battling antisemitism in her community and the state, pushing for legislation to define antisemitism and protect the Jewish community from discrimination. She has even been appointed by the House Speaker to serve on the Georgia Commission on the Holocaust. Esther originally decided to seek office when the only Jewish legislator decided to step down.
Now Esther is running for re-election to continue bringing representation to her community in this wave of antisemitism and extremism.
Esther is not only a dedicated legislator but also a loving mom of three, having raised her college-age kids alongside her husband Roger, in Sandy Springs. Miriam, Ben and Jacob were educated locally at The Epstein School, St. Francis in Milton, North Springs High School, UF, and UGA (Go DAWGS and Gators!). Her husband of 25 years is the former president of Congregation Bnai Torah and a small business owner. Esther is the third of four active generations of Hadassah members and associates.