Shea (Shea) Roberts (D-SH052)
Email - Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 404.656.0298
FAX: 404.656.5644
District: 404.644.5948
District FAX: 404.705.8310
Georgia House of Representatives
Room 608-B Coverdell Legislative Office Building 18 Capitol Square, SW
Atlanta, GA 30334

District Office:
PO Box 28571
Atlanta, GA 30358
Elected: 2020    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Brian   
Committee Assignments
MemberHouse Committee on Judiciary Non-Civil
MemberHouse Committee on Governmental Affairs
MemberHouse Committee on State Planning and Community Affairs
MemberHouse Committee on Creative Arts and Entertainment
Counties Representing
DeKalb / Fulton


I'm Shea, and besides being a legislator, I also am a proud mom of three, attorney, and small business owner. I am dedicated to serving because I want a Georgia where everyone can thrive, and where its leaders set a good example for our children by putting them first.

In My House, And In This Community, There Is A Place For Everyone I'm a mom, so I know being a parent is both the best and hardest job in the world. In 2006, I met Brian, who became my partner in work and in life. We have three children in our blended family, and they inspire and motivate me every day.

I'm an attorney and small business owner, focused primarily on land use and family law. That means I'm also a fighter. I read and interpret legislation every day, know how to advocate for issues I believe in, and have been successful at bringing opposing parties together on complex emotional issues that impact families, homes, and neighborhoods. I'll put these skills to use in the Georgia State House.

I'm a daughter and a sister from a family with widely varying political views. I understand that disagreement doesn't have to mean disrespect; and I was taught to dislike ideas, rather than the people who hold them.

I'm a Georgian, who split my time as a child between Dalton and numerous farm towns in California. I'm proud to have spent the last two decades serving Sandy Springs and Atlanta families and business owners through the law firm I started in 2002. This is my home, and I'm committed to making it a place where everyone can thrive.

I'm an active member of our community who has always been inspired by service. In law school, I helped form the first campus organization dedicated to discussing women's health and equality issues and was incredibly honored to work with Special Olympics International. I've also been able to share my passion for public service with my daughter through the National Charity League, volunteering alongside her at local philanthropies such as the Agape Center, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, Buckhead Christian Ministries, City of Refuge, Northside Senior Services and others.

I was candidate for House District 52 and now your representative who stepped up to run when I watched yet another community be devastated by gun violence. But I'm also just a regular person - your colleague, your neighbor, your friend - who wants to change our state's political climate and restore some decency, common sense, and progressive thinking to it in the process.

Lastly, I'm incredibly grateful - to all the people who supported me during my campaign and continue to support me now as the representative for House District 52. It is my honor to represent every citizen in our district, even those who did not vote for me. I look forward to receiving your input as we work together to create a better Georgia for all.

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