Capitol: 404.657.1803 FAX: 404.656.5644 District: 404.542.8683 District FAX: 404.699.7292
Representative Georgia House of Representatives
Room 408-A Coverdell Legislative Office Building 18 Capitol Square, SW Atlanta, GA 30334
District Office: 6300 Powers Ferry Road Atlanta, GA 30339
Elected: 2022 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Daniel Hal Silcox III |
BioDeborah Silcox is an attorney, a mother and a community activist. She grew up in Sandy Springs and graduated from Riverwood High School. She subsequently earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Georgia and went on to finish her law degree from Emory University School of Law. Deborah practiced law for ten years and gave up partnership to raise her family. During this time, she served on the boards of the Junior League of Atlanta, the Atlanta Speech School, Hands on Georgia and the Chastain Park Conservancy. Governor Sonny Perdue appointed her to serve on the Department of Human Resources Board, as well as the Governor's Commission for Volunteerism and Service. Governor Nathan Deal named Deborah as Chairman of the Governor's Commission for Volunteerism and Service. The people of State House District 52 elected Deborah as their State Representative where she served from 2016-2020. In September of 2019, Deborah was chosen to represent Georgia on an economic development trip as guest of the Japanese government. Speaker David Ralston appointed Deborah Chairman of the House MARTOC Committee that oversees MARTA and named her a Deputy Whip. "Engineering Georgia" magazine highlighted Deborah as one the Top 100 Most Influential Women in Georgia. She served on the Judiciary, Health and Human Services, Judiciary Non-Civil, Code Revision, Appropriations Subcommittee on Education and the State Planning and Community Affairs Committees. In 2022, Deborah was reelected to the Georgia House of Representatives to represent the new House District 53 following the 2020 census. Speaker Jon Burns reappointed Deborah as the Chairman of the MARTOC Committee, as well as Vice Chair of the Judiciary Non-Civil Committee. Deborah received the "White Rose Award" from the Israeli Consul General for her work on behalf of Jewish Georgians and was recently named the "Freshman Legislator of the Year" by the Georgia Chamber of Commerce.