Capitol: 404.656.0202 FAX: 404.656.5644 District: 706.845.9853 District FAX: 706.302.2463
Representative Georgia House of Representatives
Room 507-D Coverdell Legislative Office Building 18 Capitol Square, SW Atlanta, GA 30334
District Office: 7042 Galloway Point Riverdale, GA 30296
Elected: 2016 Next Election: 2026 | DOB: 12/30/1957 |
BioState Representative Debra Bazemore was elected to serve the citizens of House District 63 in 2016. The district is comprised of residents of Clayton, Fayette and Fulton counties. She currently serves on the Human Relations & Aging, Intergovernmental Coordination, Natural Resources and Small Business Development committees. Rep. Bazemore is the chief deputy whip for the House Minority Caucus. She is also the creator, former chair and now vice-chair of the City of South Fulton House Legislative Delegation; a founding co-chair on the Georgia Israel Legislative Caucus; regional director for the National Black Caucus of State Legislators; and a member of the Entertainment Committee of the Georgia Legislative Black Caucus.
Rep. Bazemore is a native of New York, where she served as the founder and president of Concerned Parents, which advocates for students at the state level. Her efforts earned her the prestigious Frederick Douglass Award for Community Service. In 2005, she moved to unincorporated Fulton County, which is now the City of South Fulton.
Serving as president of Old National Area Residents United (ONARU), she was instrumental in combating blight in the community and labored alongside county leadership to have uninhabitable properties condemned and demolished.
As vice-chair and chair of South Fulton United, she was a dedicated advocate and supporter of giving South Fulton residents the right to vote to incorporate. Along with State Representatives
Roger Bruce, Virgil Fludd, Ronnie Mabra and LaDawn Blackett-Jones, she facilitated and participated in more than 100 presentations to educate citizens on the benefits of cityhood.
Rep. Bazemore began her work at the state level as the chief of staff to a state senator, working under the Gold Dome and traveling to counties across Georgia to listen to citizens' concerns, address statewide issues and develop invaluable partnerships.
Since being elected, she has sponsored and championed legislation to ensure the safety of Georgia citizens in their homes and communities, protect Georgia children from human traffickers, bring awareness to critical health issues among school-aged children, partnered with NAMI to address mental illness, expand health access to all Georgians, as well as put an end to predatory practices targeting Georgia citizens on the path to homeownership. She has also served on the Fulton County 2035 Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee. Rep. Bazemore is a recipient of President Joe Biden's Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award.