Lynn (Lynn) Smith (R-SH070)
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Capitol: 404.656.7149
FAX: 404.656.5644
District: 404.656.7149
District FAX: 770.254.0781
Georgia House of Representatives
Room 228-C State Capitol 206 Washington Street, SW
Atlanta, GA 30334

District Office:
8 Evergreen Drive
Newnan, GA 30263
Elected: 1996    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Charles M. Smith   DOB: 8/30/1945
Committee Assignments
ChairmanHouse Committee on Natural Resources and Environment
MemberSubcommittee on General Government
MemberHouse Committee on Small Business Development
MemberHouse Committee on Reapportionment and Redistricting
MemberHouse Committee on Creative Arts and Entertainment
MemberHouse Special Committee on Resource Management
MemberHouse Committee on Economic Development and Tourism
MemberHouse Committee on Rules
MemberHouse Committee on Appropriations
Counties Representing
Carroll / Coweta


A recognized leader in the community and the state of Georgia, State Representative Lynn Smith is known for her ability to listen, learn and lead. Rep. Smith was elected to the Georgia House of Representatives in 1996. She currently serves as chairman for the House Natural Resources and Environment Committee (NR&E). She champions sound environmental policies that protect the environment, as well as the economy of Georgia. To that effect, she is the author of several legislative bills that have become law. Most recently, she championed the Water Stewardship Act, the creation of the Regional Water Plans and revisions to the Brownfield Act. She also serves on the Appropriations, Legislative & Congressional Reapportionment and Rules committees. In 2011, along with the UGA Carl Vinson Institute of Government (CVIG), she developed the NR&E Committee Policy Academy to study annually the pressing issues before the committee. Georgia Trend Magazine has named her to the 100 most influential Georgians list from 2011 - 2016. In addition to state committees, Smith serves as chair of the Southern Legislative conference (SLC) Energy and Environment Committee and is a board member of the Southern States Energy Board (SSEB). She is also a member of the National Conference of State Legislators (NCSL). She is a former lay appointee to the State Bar of Georgia Investigative Panel and is a former vice-chair of the NCSL Environment Committee. Locally, Smith has spearheaded the development of Chattahoochee Bend State Park, secured state funding for the development of Central Education Center, new construction for the West Georgia Technical College Campus in Coweta and grant funding to assist Coweta County in the purchase of the Brown's Mill Battlefield land. She recently worked, along with others, to bring the University of West Georgia satellite campus to downtown Newnan. Before being elected to the Georgia House of Representatives, Smith served her community in several ways. She presided over the following organizations- the Newnan-Coweta Chamber of Commerce; the Newnan Carnegie Library; the Newnan-Coweta Public Library; the Coweta Economic Development partnership; the Shenandoah Georgia Youth Science and Technology Center; the Newnan Junior Service League; and the Driftwood Garden Club. She was a board member of the Newnan-Coweta United Way Board and the Newnan Hospital Board. She continues to serve as a member of the Newnan Rotary Club and as a Georgia Master Gardener. A graduate of the University of Georgia, a former educator, business owner and community leader, Rep. Smith continues to dedicate her time and energies to her community. The Smiths attend Central Baptist Church and support many local philanthropic causes, as well as community initiatives. Rep. Smith and her husband, Charles, also enjoy spending time with their children and grandchildren.

Copyright @1996-2015 Association County Commissioners of Georgia