Sandra (Sandra) Scott (D-SH076)
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Capitol: 404.656.0314
FAX: 404.656.5644
District: 678.283.7149
District FAX: 415.362.9976
Georgia House of Representatives
Room 611-A Coverdell Legislative Office Building 18 Capitol Square, SW
Atlanta, GA 30334

District Office:
3489 Oak Leaf Court
Rex, GA 30273
Elected: 2010    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Edward Scott   
Committee Assignments
MemberHouse Committee on Reapportionment and Redistricting
MemberHouse Committee on Insurance
MemberHouse Committee on Defense and Veterans Affairs
MemberHouse Committee on Banks and Banking
MemberHouse Committee on Human Relations and Aging
Counties Representing
Clayton / Henry


Sandra Givens Scott was born to the late Mrs. Mamie Givens Jones and Samuel N. Givens in Quincy, Florida. She graduated from Havana High School and earned her B.S. degree from Florida A&M University School of Business and Industry in business management. She joined the U.S. Army in 1984 and served in the following locations- Seoul, Korea; Ft. Hood, Texas; and Nuernberg, Germany. She married Master Sergeant Edward Scott (26) and had one son, Dexter. She now has a grandson, Lucas. She received her teacher certification from Armstrong State University in Savannah, Georgia. She has taught school for more than 20 years. She entered the world of politics in 2008 as a member of the Clayton County Board of Education. She ran for State Representative of House District 76 in 2010, where she still serves. She represents North Henry precincts, which includes Ellenwood, Lighthouse, Shakerag, and Swan Lake, and in Clayton, she represents Conley, Rex, Ellenwood, Morrow and Lake City. She works every day to "keep you informed" on what is happening in the State of Georgia. Her favorite saying is, "If I can just help one person a day then, my living will not be in Vain." She attends Travelers Rest Missionary Baptist Church under the leadership of Pastor Arthur Powell. Rep. Scott also serves in the following organizations- Clayton County Legislative Delegation, vice chair National Foundation of Women Legislators and Women in Government, state director NOBEL Women, member Georgia Women Caucus, member Working Family Caucus, member WILL/WAND, member Clayton and Henry County NAACP, member Henry County Democratic Women, member Georgia Legislative Black Caucus Executive Committee, member Rep. Scott has been honored with the following awards- 2013 Georgia Legislative Black Caucus Legislator of the Year NFWL 2013 Woman of Excellence Award in Washington, DC She currently serves as a member of the following committees- Defense & Veterans Affairs; Human Relations & Aging; Science and Technology; Legislative & Congressional Reapportionment; and Special Rules.

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