Capitol: 404.656.0213 FAX: 404.656.5644 District: 404.377.0485 District FAX: 404.377.0486
Representative Georgia House of Representatives
Room 508-D Coverdell Legislative Office Building 18 Capitol Square, SW Atlanta, GA 30334
District Office: 127 Dunwoody Circle Griffin, GA 30223
Elected: 2016 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Marty Mathiak |
BioState Representative Mathiak is an accomplished small businesswoman and licensed Chiropractor in Griffin, Georgia, where she has practiced for over 30 years. During this time, she has built a successful practice while growing a reputation as a pillar of the community. On a personal level, Karen prides herself on being a wife, mother and Georgian, who knows that success takes hard work and dedication. As a leader in the community, Karen has chaired the Spalding County Zoning Board and served as chairman of the Spalding County GOP. Additionally, she has served on the Spalding County Adoption Association and Georgia Board of Chiropractic examiners and is a past member of Department of Family and Child Services Executive Board. Her conservative leadership, tenacity and good heart make up her drive to serve. She is committed to keeping taxes low, she is "Pro-Life" and "Pro-Family." Karen believes good ideas come from many places. Karen and her husband, Marty, are members of the Open Range Church in Griffin.