Sharon (Sharon) Henderson (D-SH113)
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Capitol: 404.656.7859 FAX: 404.656.5644 District: 770.602.0085 District FAX: 706.769.8795
Representative Georgia House of Representatives
Room 512-E Coverdell Legislative Office Building 18 Capitol Square, SW Atlanta, GA 30334
District Office: 18 Capitol Square, SW Atlanta, GA 30334
Elected: 2020 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Jerome |
BioState Representative Sharon Henderson represents House District 113, which includes portions of Newton and Rockdale counties. Rep. Henderson learned from an early age and humble beginnings the value of hard work, teamwork and perserverance. She entered the ministry more than 30 years ago as the pastor of New Bethel Love Center in Summerville, South Carolina, where she was one of the youngest female pastors in the state. During her years of dedication as pastor, coming up through the ranks, it was afforded her the honor of the office of Bishop in 2005. During her service to the church, she developed academic and administrative leadership abilities, which allowed her the privilege to organize community charity-based assistance programs for those in need. Simultaneously, Rep. Henderson worked in the banking and finance institution for more than 30 years. She is an expert in banking with an extensive background in business and finance. This includes bank management, budgetary counseling, investments for large corporations and mortgage servicing. During her career, she was awarded the "Sustained Superior Performance Award" as well as the "Award of Excellence in Banking." For the last several years, Rep. Henderson spent time as a substitute teacher and Special Needs Paraprofessional in several public schools in House District 113. She has also spent time teaching at the New Bethel Love Center, which provides child care to young, developing children. She is a graduate of Trident Technical College with an associate degree in business administration and a graduate of Charleston Southern University with a Bachelor of Science in Organizatuional Management. She has been a community organizer feeding the homeless, advocating for seniors, special needs community, mental health counseling and escorting young people toward educational advancement. Rep. Henderson has endured many hard trials during her walk with Christ, but she believes God honors her endurance, faithfulness and motivation. Through it all, her love and dedication to God never wavered. Rep. Henderson seeks to be a woman full of love for all people and through her ministry many souls have been saved and blessed. Through her prayers, she is reminded that God has healed and delivered many people. She also hopes to use her time in public office to relay a message of love that is inspired by her Christian faith. Rep. Henderson is a native of Goose Creek, South Carolina and is married to Pastor Jerome Henderson. She is the mother of four children.