Marcus (Marcus) Wiedower (R-SH121)
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Capitol: 404.463.2248 FAX: 404.656.5644 District: 706.434.8770 District FAX: 706.724.7828
Representative Georgia House of Representatives
Room 245-E State Capitol 206 Washington Street, SW Atlanta, GA 30334
District Office: PO Box 623 Watkinsville, GA 30677
Elected: 2018 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Kelly |
BioState Representative Marcus Wiedower represents the citizens of House District 119, which includes portions of Oconee and Athens-Clarke counties. He was elected to the Georgia House of Representatives in 2018 and is currently serving his second two-year term in office. Rep. Wiedower serves as the vice chairman of the Intragovernmental Coordination Committee, as well as secretary of the Transportation Committee. He is also a member of the Higher Education, Motor Vehicles, Ways & Means, Appropriations and Natural Resources & Environment committees. While Rep. Wiedower is at the State Capitol, he focuses on a variety of policy issues that are important to residents in House District 119. He has passed several bills focused on foster care. public safety, energy policy, education and many other important matters. Since he was first elected, he has been committed to introducing meaningful legislation to keep the great state of Georgia safe, economically and environmentally responsible and the number one state for business. He was raised in Marietta and is a graduate of the University of Georgia with a degree in landscape architecture. Rep. Wiedower is also a member of the Oconee County Rotary Club and Athens Church, as well as a former member of the University of Georgia basketball team. He is also a five-time Ironman triathlete and completed his last event in October 2015. When out of session, Rep. Wiedower works as a real estate agent with Coldwell Banker Upchurch Realty, development coordinator for Hillpointe, LLC, general contractor for Bulldawg Builders or keeping up with all things Georgia basketball. He lives in Watkinsville with his wife, Kelly, who is a nurse practitioner, and their three children, Annabelle, Kennedy and Cade.