Capitol: 404.656.0116 FAX: 404.656.5644 District: 678.464.4926 District FAX: 678.416.0150
Representative Georgia House of Representatives
Room 409-E Coverdell Legislative Office Building 18 Capitol Square, SW Atlanta, GA 30334
District Office: PO Box 5713 Augusta, GA 30916
Elected: 2022 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: James |
BioLynn Gladney lives in Augusta, Georgia and when she is not participating in the Georgia General Assembly she works as the Director of Motor Vehicle Registration. She heads the division that is responsible for serving the 206K(+) residents of Richmond County by ensuring that drivers are compliant pursuant to the constitutional authority of the Tax Commissioner and the guidelines of the Georgia Department of Revenue (DOR). During her tenure in her current role, she has led her division through the successful implementation of the DOR's statewide technology upgrade in 2018, which included 159 counties and was the most significant investment in the state department history. This and other professional accomplishments serve as her foundation and as an example of her credibility within the organizational executive leadership team. Rep. Gladney has professional experiences that have allowed her to travel all over the world. She was born on the West Coast in Vallejo, California but she spent the early years of her childhood in Jonesboro, Arkansas where she later graduated from high school and joined the U.S. Army. Her career began at Fort Stewart, in Hinesville, Georgia, with a generational family legacy of military service. As the granddaughter of a WW2 era Navy Veteran and the daughter of a Vietnam era Army Veteran, Rep. Gladney is a proud decorated Army Veteran, and the first woman in her family to serve in the United States Armed Forces. Rep. Gladney was elected in the 2022 General Election for the newly-drawn House District 130 seat, which is situated in Richmond County and includes parts of Local Commission District's 1, 2, 5, 6 & 8. Rep Gladney has made history as the first African-American Woman Veteran to hold a state level seat in her region. Her background reflects 35 years of experience that encompass small business, public and private sector organizations, military and local municipal government in the following areas- public education, public relations, professional development, team building, problem solving, strategic implementation, budgeting, organizational collaboration, policy interpretation and leadership. She holds a Bachelor's of Science in Business Management from the University of Phoenix. She is a graduate of Leadership Augusta and the Georgia Economic Leadership Academy. Rep. Gladney has received numerous awards for her community outreach, including the Women of Wealth (WOW) Empowering Women Magazine's Innovative Leadership Award for 2021. Rep. Gladney's philosophy of leadership is anchored in her faith and her commitment to advocate for others.
Rep. Gladney enjoys spending time with her sons Nicholas, Kalyn & Bryson, family and friends. In her spare time, Rep. Gladney enjoys hobbies such as kayaking, cycling, ballroom/line dancing & traveling