Danny (Danny) Mathis (R-SH133)
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Capitol: 404.656.0152 FAX: 404.656.5644 District: 706.616.1501 District FAX: 706.687.5582
Representative Georgia House of Representatives
Room 401-E Coverdell Legislative Office Building 18 Capitol Square, SW Atlanta, GA 30334
District Office: PO Box 531 Cochran, GA 31014
Elected: 2018 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Ellen Purser |
BioState Representative Mathis represents House District 149, which includes all of Bleckley, Twiggs, Wilkinson, Dodge counties and portions of Telfair County. Danny is a life-long resident of Cochran, located in Bleckley County. He was raised a Christian-Methodist and graduated from Cochran High School in 1972. He is a graduate of Middle Georgia College with an associate's degree in Business Administration and the Gupton-Jones College of Funeral Service. He is the owner and operator of Mathis Funeral Home, Inc. in Cochran. Prior to this, he served as Bleckley County coroner for 18 years. Danny was elected to the Georgia House of Representatives in 2018 and was sworn-in on January 14, 2019. He has been married to his wife, Ellen Purser Mathis, for more than 46 years. They have three children together, Dana Perkins, Cal Mathis and Bo Mathis. They also have two daughters-in-law, Stephanie and Annsley, and one son-in-law, Andy. Danny and Ellen are grandparents to six grandchildren- Emma Kate, Asa, Sawyer, Quinn, Hayes and Blake.