Beth (Beth) Camp (R-SH135)
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Capitol: 404.656.7855
FAX: 404.656.5644
District: 706.649.2243
District FAX: 706.649.2479
Georgia House of Representatives
Room 401-B State Capitol 206 Washington Street, SW
Atlanta, GA 30334

District Office:
1235 Strickland Road
Concord, GA 30206
Elected: 2020    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Mark   
Committee Assignments
ChairmanHouse Committee on Intragovernmental Coordination
MemberHouse Committee on Judiciary, Juvenile
MemberHouse Committee on State Planning and Community Affairs
MemberHouse Committee on Ways and Means
MemberHouse Committee on Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications
MemberHouse Committee on Agriculture and Consumer Affairs
Counties Representing
Lamar / Muscogee / Pike / Upson


State Representative Beth Camp represents the citizens of House District 135, which includes portions of Lamar and Spalding counties and all of Pike County. Rep. Camp became a 911 dispatcher at 17 years old, and her interest in helping others led to her becoming a licensed emergency medical technician. Working closely with individuals in crisis while serving in public safety sparked her love of social sciences and volunteerism. She earned an associate degree in science from Georgia Military College, a Bachelor of Science in Integrative Studies with a concentration in psychology from Clayton State University and a Master of Arts from the University of Alabama in communication studies. Rep. Camp is the owner and managing real estate broker of Camp & Associates, LLC. She has been a licensed realtor since 2006 and holds the "Lifetime Multi-Million Dollar Realtor" achievement for her professional efforts. She and her business partners renovated and reopened The Concord Cafe, Inc in 2023. Camp is a member of the Heart of Georgia Board of Realtors promoting property owners' rights. She serves on the board of directors for CASA Advo-Kids, a court-appointed special advocacy for children in foster care for Fayette, Pike, Spalding and Upson counties. She is a member of the Pike County FFA Alumni Board, Pike County Arts Council, Barnesville-Lamar Chamber of Commerce, Pike County Chamber of Commerce, Griffin-Spalding Chamber of Commerce, Farm Bureau, Mid Georgia Cattle Association, Pike County Kiwanis and the Georgia Association of Realtors. She is a recipient of chapter and state Future Farmers of America (FFA) degrees for volunteer work in the organization, including fundraising to build a barn at a local high school for STEM classes. Over the past two decades, she has volunteered for many local civic groups. Rep. Camp served as an elected member of the Pike County Board of Education for one term before running for state office in 2020. She met her husband of 30 years, Mark, when they were working as medics. Their daughter, Meredith, is a graduate student studying applied behavior analyst at the University of Georgia in Athens. Rep. Camp and her family enjoy living in Concord on their cattle production farm with a miniature donkey, a confusion of guineas, several barn cats and a Jack Russell Terrier named Trixie.

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