Carmen (Carmen) Rice (R-SH139)
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Capitol: 404.656.0188 FAX: 404.656.5644 District: 478.391.1403 District FAX:
Representative Georgia House of Representatives
Room 504-C Coverdell Legislative Office Building 18 Capitol Square, SW Atlanta, GA 30334
District Office: PO Box 1031 Columbus, GA 31808
Elected: 2024 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Steven |
BioState Representative Carmen Rice represents House District 139, which includes sections of Muscogee County and Harris County in Southwest Georgia. She was elected in May 2024. Rep. Rice was born and raised in the district she now represents- a resident of Muscogee County for the past four decades, she was born in neighboring Harris County. She has worked in Special Education for Muscogee County School District, Services Coordinator at St. Frances Hospital Rehabilitation, and homeschooled her children for nine years. She is currently Administrative Director for American Eagle Investments, LLC, where she oversees and manages payroll, benefits, and accounting for 16 small businesses. As the first female chair of the Muscogee County Republican Party, she tripled membership in less than a year. Prior to her term as chair, which she stepped down from early to run for office, she served the organization as 1st vice chair and 2nd vice chair for four years. Additional community service includes work with Brown Bag Ministries, Meals on Wheels, Open Door, The Plummer Home, and Twin Cedars. She also served on the Columbus, Ga., Charter Review Commission in 2021-2022. She is a graduate of the Republican Leadership for Georgia Class of 2020, the Dyslexia Training Institute 2019, and she attended Columbus State University where she studied early childhood education. Rep. Rice currently serves as a member on the Education, Transportation, and Juvenile Justice Committees. A vocal advocate for adoption and foster care reform, Rep. Rice is honored to have served as a foster parent for DFACS. She has been married to her husband Steven for 27 years and they are the proud parents of four daughters, and 2 sons-in-law. She and her family attend and volunteer at Pierce Chapel Church.