Dale (Dale) Washburn (R-SH144)
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Capitol: 404.656.0152
FAX: 404.656.5644
District: 478.934.2030
District FAX: 478.755.9046
Georgia House of Representatives
Room 401-H Coverdell Legislative Office Building 18 Capitol Square, SW
Atlanta, GA 30334

District Office:
3040 Riverside Drive
Macon, GA 31210
Elected: 2018    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Donna   
Committee Assignments
Vice ChairHouse Committee on Regulated Industries
MemberSubcommittee on Health
MemberHouse Committee on Creative Arts and Entertainment
MemberHouse Committee on Public and Community Health
MemberHouse Committee on Banks and Banking
MemberHouse Committee on Higher Education
MemberHouse Committee on Ways and Means
MemberHouse Committee on Appropriations
Counties Representing
Bibb / Bleckley / Houston / Jones / Laurens / Monroe / Twiggs / Wilkinson


Representative Dale Washburn represents House District 144, which includes portions of Bibb, Jones and Monroe counties. He received his formal education in the Jones County Public School System and at Macon State College. He grew up in the construction and real estate development business of his father. Rep. Washburn, along with his younger brothers, joined his father in business upon becoming an adult. He has been a licensed real estate practitioner for nearly 50 years, holding a Brokers License for almost 45 years and a Real Estate Licensing Instructors License for more than 20 years. He currently owns a real estate brokerage firm and a real estate licensing school. He authored two real estate licensing text books, "Basics in the Business of Real Estate" and "You Have a Real Estate License, NOW WHAT?" Both textbooks have been used in teaching students in his real estate licensing school and with online students. He has also written a number of continuing education courses that have been approved by the Georgia Real Estate Commission. He was honored to be named the Georgia REALTOR of the Year in 2004 and was honored to be inducted into the Georgia REALTOR Hall of Fame in 2021. Dale is a former Jones County commissioner, where he served as vice chair of the commission. During his time with the board of commissioners, he focused on upgrading the county's land use plan and administration of it, the implementation of a building code and expanding the county public water system. These actions were needed to prepare the county for the growth it was about to experience as it was becoming more suburban. Dale has been married to his high school sweetheart, Donna, for more than 45 years. They have four adult children and six grandchildren. They also have a mixed breed dog, Roscoe, that was rescued from a terrible situation and now enjoys a happy, secure life. Dale and Donna miss Roscoe when in Atlanta and always are glad to see him when returning home. They are active members of the Ingleside Baptist Church in Macon, where he has led Adult Bible Study for many years. Dale also served as a deacon of the congregation. Dale is vice chairman of the Regulated Industries, Public Health and Urban Affairs committees. He also serves on the Appropriations, Banks and Banking, Creative Arts & Entertainment, Higher Education, Small Business Development and Ways & Means committees. He is also the vice chairman of the Income Tax Subcommittee of the Ways & Means Committee. Dale considers it an honor and a great blessing to be a member of the Georgia House of Representatives.

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