Capitol: 404.463.2247 FAX: 404.656.5644 District: 229.567.7753 District FAX: 229.468.0840
Representative Georgia House of Representatives
Room 243 State Capitol 206 Washington Street Atlanta, GA 30334
District Office: PO Box 709 Dublin, GA 31040
Elected: 2010 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Kim DOB: 4/12/1967 |
BioMatt was born and raised in Dublin, Georgia. He is an Eagle Scout from Troop 68 and was an honor graduate of Dublin High School. He graduated from Presbyterian College with a Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics with an Economic Emphasis. Matt started with Delta Air Lines, Inc. in June of 1988 as a Methods Analyst. He served later in the Stockholder Relations and Corporate Contributions department at Delta. He completed his career with Delta serving as a Procedures Planning Analyst in the Technical Operations Division. After working with Delta Air Lines, Inc. for six years in Atlanta, he returned home to start a family with his wife Kim. After returning home to Dublin, he started Hangers Cleaners, Inc., a local dry cleaning establishment and operated it until 2010. He and his wife purchased Plum Alley, a ladies clothing store in 1997, which she presently operates. He also owned the local Bruster's Real Ice Cream and Nathan's Famous Hot Dogs franchise from 2001 until 2015. Matt presently works as a Director of Development and Director of Mission Enhancement with the School of Medicine for Mercer University. He is a member of the Dublin Rotary Club and has served on the board of the Dublin/Laurens County Chamber of Commerce and as the chairman of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Laurens County, as well as the Heart of Georgia United Way. Matt served as a Dublin City Councilman from 1999-2009, where he served on the Finance, Economic Development Committees and the Downtown Development Authority and served as the Mayor Pro Tem in 2007. He represented Dublin and Laurens County as a member of the Leadership Georgia Class of 2000. Matt served as chairman of the Dublin/Laurens County's month long St. Patrick's Festival in 2002, having previously volunteered as vice chairman and president of the Order of Shillelagh. He presently assists with the St. Patrick's Festival's hot air balloon festival which brings hot air balloonists to Laurens County during the festival, having organized the event for several years. Matt has served as the chairman of the Theatre Dublin Nutcracker since its inception in 2004. The performance brings professional ballet dancers and mixes them with 100+ local dancers for three performances of the Nutcracker the first weekend of December at Theatre Dublin. Matt serves on the Advisory Board of the Citizens Bank of Laurens County. Matt was elected to House District 150 in November 2010. He currently serves on the Economic Development & Tourism, Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications, Health and Rules committees. He is also an ex-officio member of the Ways & Means Committee. Matt served as one of Governor Deal's Floor Leaders from June 2011 until September 2013 when he was elected by his peers to serve as the chairman of the House Majority Caucus. In July 2021, Hatchett was again elected by the majority caucus to fulfill the position of Majority Whip. He held this role until December 2022 when he was appointed to serve as the chairman of the House Appropriations Committee. Matt and his family are members of First United Methodist Church. He and his wife, Kim have two beautiful daughters, Emily and Camille.