Jon (Jon) Burns (R-SH159)
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Capitol: 404.656.5020
FAX: 404.656.5644
District: 404.656.5052
District FAX: 912.826.4851
Georgia House of Representatives
Room 332 State Capitol 206 Washington Street, SW
Atlanta, GA 30334

District Office:
PO Box 1000
Springfield, GA 31329
Elected: 2004    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Dayle   
Counties Representing
Bulloch / Effingham / Screven


Speaker Jon Burns (R-Newington) is a husband, father, grandfather, and Georgia's 75th Speaker of the House of Representatives. He represents the 159th legislative district that includes Screven County and parts of Effingham and Bulloch Counties. He was first elected to the House in 2004, and as Speaker in 2023. As Speaker, he serves as the House's chief administrative officer. Speaker Burns also presides over House floor sessions, assigns bills to committees, and calls matters before the House for debate. Speaker Burns has prioritized improving education, expanding access to healthcare, strengthening public safety, and building on Georgia's economic success through job creation, tax cuts, and workforce development. Speaker Burns previously served as House Majority Leader from 2015 until his nomination as Speaker. Prior to serving as Majority Leader, he served as Chairman of the House Game, Fish & Parks Committee and as Chairman of the House Special Rules Committee. Speaker Burns was born and raised in Effingham County. He graduated from Effingham County High School and earned his Bachelor's degree in Political Science from Georgia Southern College. He holds a Juris Doctor degree from John Marshall Law School. He spent his life on the family farm, raising livestock, growing crops, and harvesting timber. His interests expanded to serving his community and running an agribusiness company. Much of this work continues today as Speaker Burns works to make Georgia the best place to live, work and raise a family for generations to come. Speaker Burns and his wife, Dayle, live on the family farm in northern Effingham County. Mrs. Burns is a retired educator. The Burns are active members at Mizpah Church. Family remains key to them, and they cherish any time they get to spend with their children and five grandchildren. Speaker Burns often says grandchildren are the best part of life!

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