Jesse (Jesse) Petrea (R-SH166)
Email - Web Site

Capitol: 404.656.5115
FAX: 404.656.5644
District: 912.629.2468
District FAX: 912.557.4103
Georgia House of Representatives
Room 226-B State Capitol 206 Washington Street, SW
Atlanta, GA 30334

District Office:
108 Loyer Lane
Savannah, GA 31411
Elected: 2014    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Brianna   
Committee Assignments
ChairmanHouse Committee on Human Relations and Aging
SecretaryHouse Committee on Game, Fish, and Parks
MemberSubcommittee on Health
MemberHouse Special Committee on Healthcare
MemberHouse Committee on Industry and Labor
MemberHouse Committee on Health
MemberHouse Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security
MemberHouse Committee on Natural Resources and Environment
MemberHouse Committee on Appropriations
Counties Representing
Bryan / Chatham


State Representative Jesse Petrea is currently the president of Green Heron Consulting LLC, a healthcare consulting company. He was previously the vice president of development for Help at Home, a national home care organization. For 28 years, Rep. Petrea worked as an entrepreneur and the co-owner of two statewide health care organizations before selling in January 2019. These companies provided community based services to the frail elderly and developmentally disabled from their corporate offices in Savannah. Jesse has been deeply immersed in Georgia's home and community based services since 1992, over the years, he has provided leadership to multiple advisory bodies and state and national trade associations, where he has served as director and president. Jesse also owns and manages commercial real estate and commercial timberland. He is also a board member of the Health Care Mutual Captive Insurance Company. Jesse is currently the elected state representative for Georgia House District 166, which includes much of Chatham and Bryan counties. He is the chairman of the House Human Resources & Aging Committee. He is also a member of the Appropriations, Health and Human Services, Public Safety and Homeland Security, Game, Fish and Parks, Natural Resources and Environment, Industry and Labor committees. He also serves on the Special Committee on Healthcare. Jesse is a graduate of Benedictine Military School and a 1989 graduate of Armstrong State College with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. He and his wife are Savannah natives and have two children and three grandchildren. He is a member of Calvary Baptist Church, Forest City Gun Club, Sons of the Revolution, Georgia Forestry Association, St. David's Society, German Heritage Society, Skidaway Island Republican Club, Tybee Island Republican Club and the Savannah Area Republican Women's Club. He enjoys hunting, shooting, fishing, hiking and managing his tree farms for timber.

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