Joe (Joe) Campbell (R-SH171)
Email - Web Site

Capitol: 404.656.0254
FAX: 404.656.5644
District: 229.344.1694
District FAX: 229.336.8136
Georgia House of Representatives
Room 601-C Coverdell Legislative Office Building 18 Capitol Square, SW
Atlanta, GA 30334

District Office:
4556 Squirrel Haven Road
Camilla, GA 31730
Elected: 2020    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Deborah   
Committee Assignments
Vice ChairHouse Committee on Agriculture and Consumer Affairs
SecretaryHouse Committee on State Planning and Community Affairs
Vice ChairHouse Committee on Rural Development
MemberSubcommittee on Transportation
MemberHouse Committee on Special Rules
MemberHouse Committee on Natural Resources and Environment
MemberHouse Committee on Transportation
MemberHouse Committee on Appropriations
Counties Representing
Colquitt / Decatur / Grady / Mitchell


State Representative Joe Campbell represents the citizens of House District 171, which includes portions of Colquitt, Decatur and Mitchell counties. He was elected to the Georgia House of Representatives in 2020 and currently serves on the Agriculture & Consumer Affairs, Natural Resources & Environment and Small Business Development committees. Joe is a native of Southwest Georgia. Born and raised in Camilla with his brother and sister, Joe has lived there nearly his entire life. His father farmed and owned and operated a tractor business, which allowed Joe to grow up surrounded by the agriculture industry on his family farm. He was pointed in the direction of agriculture from the start. Upon graduating from Mitchell County High School, Joe attended the University of Georgia, where he earned his Bachelor of Science in agriculture. While attending UGA, he met his wife, Deborah, and together they moved back to Camilla and eventually raised their two sons there. Deborah spent her career in education as a second grade teacher while Joe pursued a professional path in agriculture. Beginning his career in sales with Camilla Cotton Oil Co., Joe moved into procurement as the company was purchased by Alimenta Processing Corp. Throughout his professional career, he built relationships across the state, region and ultimately across the country, connecting farmers and organizations through a network of buying points. Joe retired in 2016 from what eventually became Golden Peanut and Treenut Company as vice president of procurement after 40 years of service. Over the last few years, Joe has become even more involved in the community and has a sense of pride and passion for the common conservative values that truly connect citizens across Colquitt, Mitchell and Decatur counties. Additionally, Joe has been actively involved as a board member of the following professional organizations- American Peanut Shellers; Georgia Crop Improvement Association; National Peanut Buying Point Association; Georgia Seed Association; Florida Foundation Seed Producers, Inc.; and Georgia Federal State Inspection Services. Conservative Christian values have always been the most important guiding light in the Campbell family. Joe and Deborah have been actively involved in Heritage Church in Moultrie for more than 20 years. Joe has served in the Kairos Prison Ministry, and he has served as a mentor with the Crossroads Ministry in Moultrie.

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