James (James) Burchett (R-SH176)
Email - Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 404.656.5024
FAX: 404.656.5644
District: 912.816.7745
District FAX: 229.482.8043
Georgia House of Representatives
Room 415 State Capitol 206 Washington Street, SW
Atlanta, GA 30334

District Office:
215 Pendleton Street
Waycross, GA 31501
Elected: 2019    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Misty   
Committee Assignments
MemberHouse Committee on Ethics
MemberHouse Committee on Public and Community Health
MemberHouse Committee on State Properties
MemberHouse Committee on Judiciary
MemberSubcommittee on Judicial
MemberHouse Committee on Rural Development
MemberHouse Committee on Judiciary Non-Civil
MemberHouse Committee on Transportation
Ex-OfficioHouse Committee on Rules
MemberHouse Committee on Appropriations
Counties Representing
Atkinson / Coffee / Lanier / Lowndes / Ware


James Burchett is a Family oriented Christian Conservative that wants to take your voice to the State house. Vote Burchett February 12th.

James Burchett is owner of J.D. Burchett Law, and co-owner of The Burchett Company. Burchett is a member of the Waycross Bar Association, Waycross Exchange Club and Waycross Chamber of Commerce. He is a graduate of Leadership Waycross and served Ware County as the Chief Building inspector for 10 years.

Burchett is a member of Indian Mound Baptist Church. He is married to Misty Thrift Burchett, they have two son's Brodie (9 yr.) and Beau (4 mo.) Burchett enjoys coaching his son's Baseball, Basketball and Football teams.

Burchett received a Bachelor Degree from Georgia Southern University and his Juris Doctorate from Florida Coastal School of Law.

In Atlanta Burchett aims to represent your interests, over special interests. He is a small business owner and family man who will fight for our shared conservative values.

Some of the issues Burchett plans to advocate for are Agricultural, Education, Rural Broadband, Transportation and to Simplify Health Care.

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