Capitol: 404.656.0126 FAX: 404.656.5644 District: 229.251.5238 District FAX: 912.283.3819
Representative Georgia House of Representatives
Room 411-A Coverdell Legislative Office Building 18 Capitol Square, SW Atlanta, GA 30334
District Office: 19 Sharper Circle Valdosta, GA 31601
Elected: 2012 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Chequella Shipman |
BioDexter Sharper is a lifelong resident of Valdosta, GA where he formally served as Mayor-Pro Tem and City Councilman. He is a business consultant, and entrepreneur, and is the founder of Sharper Bounce Houses & More, and Dexter Sharper Fresheners. Dexter has also been a Georgia Certified paramedic for 20 years. Additionally, he is an executive music producer, musician, and recording artist. Dexter is married to Chequella Shipman Sharper and the couple has four children- Brittany, Dexter II, Dylan, and Lauren.