Emanuel (Emanuel) Jones (D-SS10)
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Capitol: 404.656.0502
FAX: 404.656.5043
District: 770.294.3020
District FAX: 770.964.7162
Georgia State Senate
Room 420-A State Capitol 206 Washington Street, SW
Atlanta, GA 30334

District Office:
PO Box 370244
Decatur, GA 30037
Elected: 2004    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Gloria   
Committee Assignments
MemberSubcommittee on Health and Human Development
SecretarySenate Committee on Economic Development and Tourism
SecretarySenate Committee on Interstate Cooperation
MemberSenate Committee on Natural Resources and the Environment
MemberSenate Committee on Banking and Financial Institutions
MemberSubcommittee on Transportation
MemberSenate Committee on Urban Affairs
MemberSenate Committee on Appropriations
Counties Representing
DeKalb / Henry


Senator Emanuel Jones, a Democrat, was first elected to the Georgia Senate from Georgia's 10th District in 2004. Senator Jones represents Southwest DeKalb and Henry County. He is the founding Chairman of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Advisory Council and formerly served as Chairman of the Georgia Legislative Black Caucus for two consecutive legislative sessions. Senator Jones serves as Secretary of the Senate Committees on Economic Development and Tourism and Interstate Cooperation. He also serves as a member of the Senate Committees on Appropriations, Banking and Financial Institutions, Natural Resources and the Environment, Urban Affairs, MARTOC and High School Sports Athletic Association. Senator Jones is President of the Legacy Automotive Group which includes Legacy Ford of McDonough, New Legacy Real Estate, and various other business interests. Senator Jones is the owner of one of the Atlanta Area's largest African-American owned businesses. Most recently, Senator Jones was honored as a recipient of the Global Peace Festival Award in Malaysia and was named as one of Atlanta Tribune Magazine's "Men of Distinction". He has also received the Black Enterprise Top 50 Minority Owned Companies Award as well as the U.S. Department of Commerce Minority Service Firm of the Year. Previously, Senator Jones was a 2008 nominee for the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award, nominated by Ambassador Andrew Young. He was selected for the 2008 Atlanta Business League 50th Most Influential Award; the recipient of the Morris Brown College Pacesetter Award in 2008, Metro Atlanta YMCA Volunteer of the Year, Ford Motor Minority Dealer Executive Director's Award, Henry County Chamber of Commerce Business of the Year, Governor's Proclamation Entrepreneur of the Year, Freshman Legislator of the year 2005, Organization of DeKalb Educators 2006, and from the U.S. Department of Commerce Minority Service Firm of the Year. He received his MBA in Finance/Accounting from Columbia University in 1986, preceded by a BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania in 1981. Sen. Jones was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 1980 and rose to the rank of Captain. Senator Jones graduated class valedictorian from West Fulton High School in Atlanta, Ga. in 1977. Senator Jones had career positions with IBM and Arthur Anderson & Co., prior to entering the automobile business in 1988 as a dealer candidate in Ford Motor Company's minority dealer operations. He is a former Trustee for Henry Medical Center, past Finance Chairman of Henry Medical Center, past Chairman of Henry County YMCA, past Chairman of Henry County's United Way Campaign and Partners in Education of numerous elementary, middle and high schools. He was also Chairman of Henry County Chamber of Commerce, a member of Leadership Georgia and Board Member of James Bristor Society, University of Pennsylvania. Sen. Jones sits on various boards to include the Board at Columbia University Business School Greenhouse Project, School of Social Policy and Practice and the Georgia State University Project Healthy Grandparent's board. He also serves as a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity.

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