Capitol: 404.656.9224 FAX: 404.656.5043 District: 229.273.1300 District FAX: 229.382.0705
Georgia State Senate
Room 121-J State Capitol 206 Washington Street, SW Atlanta, GA 30334
District Office: 108 East 13th Avenue Cordele, GA 31015
Elected: 2020 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Janice |
BioSenator Carden Summers, a Republican from Cordele, was elected to the State Senate in 2019 to represent the 13th Senatorial District, which includes Ben Hill, Berrien, Crisp, Irwin, Lee, Tift, Turner, and Worth County, as well as part of Coffee County. Sen. Summers serves as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking and Financial Institutions and the Vice Chairman for the Senate Committee on Regulated Industries and Utilities. He is also a member of the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Consumer Affairs and Economic Development and Tourism. Sen. Summers was born and raised in Crisp County. He and his wife, Janice, started a real estate company and outdoor advertising company in the late 80s that they still own and operate now. Sen. Summers is the proud father of two children, Jade and Weston.