Ed (Ed) Harbison (D-SS15)
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Capitol: 404.656.0074
FAX: 404.656.5043
District: 706.392.2616
District FAX: 706.562.0397
Georgia State Senate
Room 420-C State Capitol 206 Washington Street, SW
Atlanta, GA 30334

District Office:
PO Box 1292
Columbus, GA 31902
Elected: 1992    Next Election: 2026
DOB: 8/25/1941
Committee Assignments
Vice ChairSenate Committee on Veterans, Military, and Homeland Security
MemberSenate Committee on Insurance and Labor
ChairmanSenate Committee on State Institutions and Property
MemberSenate Committee on Rules
MemberSubcommittee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety
MemberSenate Committee on Reapportionment and Redistricting
MemberSenate Committee on Appropriations
Ex-OfficioSenate Committee on Regulated Industries and Utilities
Counties Representing
Chattahoochee / Macon / Marion / Muscogee / Schley / Talbot / Taylor


Senator Ed Harbison, of Columbus, was first elected to the Senate from the 15th District in 1992. Senator Harbison represents the citizens of Macon, Marion, Talbot, Taylor, and Schley counties as well as portions of Chattahoochee County and Muscogee County. Senator Harbison is currently Chairman of the State Institutions and Property Committee. He is the ranking member of the Banking and Financial Institutions, Insurance and Labor, Interstate Cooperation, Reapportionment and Redistricting, and Ethics committees. He also serves as Vice Chairman of Veterans, Military and Homeland Security committee and is Ex-Officio of the Regulated Industries and Utilities committee. During the 2008 General Assembly, Senator Harbison successfully sponsored a bill to ease barriers and alleviate bureaucratic "red tape" for children of military families who transfer from one state to another. Senator Harbison is also responsible for legislation which designated Georgia as a Purple Heart State, established a separate court for Veterans in Georgia, established the Military Hall of Fame in Georgia, and a bill authorizing the consolidation of Chattahoochee County and Cusseta. Prior to his election, Senator Harbison served as second vice-president of the Muscogee County School Board and was a member of the Columbus Charter Review Commission. Born in Prattville, Alabama and raised in Montgomery, Senator Harbison graduated from the Career Academy School of Broadcasting and attended Troy State University at Fort Benning. He served four years in the U.S. Marines and is a recipient of the Purple Heart. Senator Harbison is a public relations and advertising consultant and a broadcast journalist. Active in the community, Senator Harbison is a 1990 graduate of Leadership Columbus and a former officer of the Georgia Association of Newscasters. Senator Harbison has been featured on NBC's "Dateline" news program regarding the death penalty, and has been quoted in USA Today on his opposition to a state redistricting plan. Senator Harbison has received a number of awards for his professional accomplishments and his community service including- the James Costen Government Services Award, the National Infantry Association's Order of Saint Maurice for distinguished and gallant support of the Infantry, the Associated Press Annual Award for Best Regularly Scheduled TV Newscast, the Jack Brinkley Service Award, the Department of Defense Vietnam Veterans of Appreciation Award, the Legacy of Leadership Award for outstanding service to the African American community, and Senator Harbison was inducted into the Georgia Military Veterans Hall of Fame for his support of Veterans in the state of Georgia. Senator Ed Harbison Senate District 15 He is a recipient of the Fort Benning Georgia Sergeants Major Award for support of the military, The Department of Veterans Services Award for services rendered to Georgia veterans, Morehouse Naval Officers NROTC Award for support of its ROTC program, The Georgia Legislative Leadership Award for improving the lives and healthcare of Georgians, and The Medical Association of Georgia Award for distinguished service in advocating for quality medical legislation. He has also been honored as one of the 50 Most Influential African Americans of Columbus. Senator Harbison is a life member of the Disabled American Veterans, Military Order of the Purple Heart, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and National Infantry Association. Sen. Harbison also holds the rank of Major in the Legislative Branch of the Civil Air Patrol. He has also been honored by Alpha Kappa Alpha for his support of the Heritage Program and cited by the NAACP for a 1989 Radio-Thon. Senator Harbison also received the Alabama Disabled American Veterans Certificate of Appreciation and the U.S. Marine Corps Appreciation Award. He also received the UPI Pacemaker Award for writing, editing, and narrating "The Dreamer's Dream- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr." Senator Harbison was honored as Legislator of the Year for 1994 by the Georgia Pharmacy Association for his efforts to improve the quality of healthcare in the state. He is also the recipient of the Progressive Men's Club's prestigious Man of the Year Award for 1994.

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