Kay (Kay) Kirkpatrick (R-SS32)
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Capitol: 404.656.0508
FAX: 404.656.5043
District: 404.656.3932
District FAX: 770.234.5378
Georgia State Senate
Room 324-A Coverdell Legislative Office Building 18 Capitol Square, SW
Atlanta, GA 30334

District Office:
2146 Roswell Road
Marietta, GA 30062
Elected: 2017    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Dr. Thomas Haltom   
Committee Assignments
ChairmanSenate Committee on Children and Families
Vice ChairSenate Committee on Health and Human Services
SecretarySenate Committee on Insurance and Labor
MemberSubcommittee on Health and Human Development
MemberSubcommittee on Education and Higher Education
Ex-OfficioSenate Committee on Veterans, Military, and Homeland Security
Ex-OfficioSenate Committee on Government Oversight
MemberSenate Committee on Appropriations
Counties Representing
Cherokee / Cobb


Senator Kay Kirkpatrick, MD, a Republican, represents the 32nd District, which includes portions of Cobb and Cherokee Counties. Senator Kirkpatrick serves as Chair of the Senate Committee on Children and Families and Vice Chair of the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services and Secretary of the Senate Committee on Insurance and Labor. She also serves as a member of the Senate Committee on Appropriations and Ex Officio of the Senate Committee on Veterans, Military and Homeland Security. She is an appointed member of the Georgia Joint Defense Commission, as well as a member of the Commission on Family Violence and a legislative liaison to the Commission on the Holocaust. Senator Kirkpatrick has been an orthopaedic hand surgeon in Atlanta for over 30 years and was previously the President of Resurgens Orthopaedics. Senator Kirkpatrick is a Captain in the 132nd Medical Unit of the Georgia State Defense Force, a volunteer group which supports the National Guard. Dr. Kirkpatrick is a consultant and lecturer on patient safety in surgery. She is also a member of the East Cobb Rotary and she has served as a pet therapy team leader at the Ronald McDonald House through the Happy Tails Pet Therapy Program. She is on the Board of the Resurgens Charitable Foundation. Senator Kirkpatrick graduated from the University of Kentucky and earned her medical degree from the University of Louisville. Her husband, Dr. Tom Haltom is an emergency physician. She and Tom have two adult children. Kay and Tom are active members of East Cobb United Methodist Church, where she sings in the choir.

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