Clint (Clint) Dixon (R-SS45)
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Capitol: 404.656.6446
FAX: 404.656.5043
District: 404.862.5000
District FAX:
Georgia State Senate
Room 301-B Coverdell Legislative Office Building 18 Capitol Square, SW
Atlanta, GA 30334

District Office:
PO Box 802
Buford, GA 30515
Elected: 2020    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Hayden   
Committee Assignments
ChairmanSenate Committee on State and Local Government Operations
ChairmanSubcommittee on Government Operations
MemberSenate Committee on MARTOC
Vice ChairSenate Committee on Transportation
SecretarySenate Committee on Appropriations
Ex-OfficioSenate Committee on Education and Youth
MemberSenate Committee on Rules
Ex-OfficioSenate Committee on Economic Development and Tourism
Counties Representing
Barrow / Gwinnett


Senator Clint Dixon, a Republican, was elected to the Georgia State Senate to serve Senate District 45 in 2020. Sen. Dixon serves Georgia citizens in portions of Gwinnett County and Barrow County. Sen. Dixon serves as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Education and Youth, Vice Chairman of the Senate Committee on Transportation, Vice Chairman of the Senate Committee on MARTOC, and Secretary of the Senate Appropriations Committee. He also serves as a member of the Senate Committee on Banking and Financial Institutions, the Senate Appropriations Subcommittees on Education and Higher Education and Transportation, and as Ex Officio of the Senate Committee on Economic Development and Tourism. Prior to being elected, Sen. Dixon served Gwinnett County on the Planning Commission where he worked alongside homeowners, businesses and landowners to make zoning decisions. Additionally, he has served on the Water and Sewer Authority, where he promoted the Ivy Creek Overlay. Sen. Dixon is self-made in business and real estate. In 2010, he started Longleaf Realty, which specialized in bank-owned properties. He then went on to work as the Real Estate, Construction and Site Selection Manager for Hewatt Enterprises. Sen. Dixon currently serves as an Acquisition Manager for Chafin Homes. A proud family man, Sen. Dixon has been married to his wife Hayden for 19 years. Together they have three children, Hudson (15), Berkley (12) and Emsley (9).

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