Capitol: 404.656.9224 FAX: 404.656.5043 District: 706.680.4466 District FAX: 706.354.1017
Senator Georgia State Senate
Room 121-I State Capitol 206 Washington Street, SW Atlanta, GA 30334
District Office: PO Box 1136 Danielsville, GA 30633
Elected: 2010 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Robin Tardy |
BioSenator Frank Ginn was elected to the Georgia Senate in 2010. Senator Ginn is a Republican representing the 47th District, which stretches across Barrow, Jackson, Clarke and Madison Counties. Frank followed the family tradition and graduated from the University of Georgia with a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering in 1985. Go DAWGS! Following both of his parents' career paths, he started working in the electric utility industry. He began as an engineer for the consumer owned cooperative, Jackson EMC. He left Jackson EMC as the Director of Member Services to learn more about the natural gas and other utilities as the City Manager/Treasurer for the City of Royston. Eventually, Sen. Ginn migrated to the City of Sugar Hill in Gwinnett County to serve as their manager. In 2000, the citizens of Franklin County voted to change to the County Manager form of government. Frank was selected to serve as the first county manager. He was employed with Franklin County up until he was sworn in. Senator Ginn serves as Chair of the State and Local Governmental Operations Committee, the Chair of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Government Operations and as the Vice - Chairman on the Senate Committee on Rules. Additionally, he serves on the Senate Committee on Transportation and the Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture and Natural Resources. Also he serves as Ex - Officio on the Senate Committees on Natural Resources and the Environment and Regulated Industries and Utilities. Senator Ginn considers it a great honor to represent the Citizens in the 47th District and to serve the people of Georgia.