Capitol: 404.656.0034 FAX: 404.656.5043 District: 706.291.6191 District FAX: 770.387.1411
Senator Georgia State Senate
Room 121-C State Capitol 206 Washington Street, SW Atlanta, GA 30334
District Office: 3 Orchard Spring Drive Rome, GA 30165
Elected: 2012 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Joan Bojo |
BioSenator Chuck Hufstetler, a Republican, was elected to the Georgia State Senate in 2012. Senator Chuck Hufstetler's District represents Bartow, most of Floyd and parts of Gordon County. Senator Chuck Hufstetler has chaired the Senate on Finance since 2017. He has been the Senate sponsor of the only two income tax rate cuts in Georgia's history, among many other notable legislative bills. He also serves as a member of the Senate Committees on Health & Human Services, Higher Education, Rules and the Appropriations Subcommittees on Judicial and Economic Development. As an Ex-Officio, he is a member of the Senate Committee on Appropriations His previous political career was on the Floyd County Commission from 1999 through 2006. He led the County Commission as Finance Chair to cut property tax rates six times, trimmed the waste by analyzing every expenditure of each department and eliminated the county debt for the first time in modern history. He traveled to Moody's in New York and received the county's first-ever "AA" bond rating. They also eliminated all county borrowing, including TANs, so that no property tax money was spent on interest and then accumulated the most significant "Rainy Day" fund balance in history. He also negotiated with the Atlanta Braves to bring the minor league team to Rome. As one of two people in charge of construction, the stadium is the only public, professional stadium in Georgia built on time, under budget and completely paid off in a year. As a strong fiscal conservative, he was re-elected and served as Chair of the Commission for 2003 and 2004. Professionally he worked for 14 years in Corporate Manufacturing and Finance for Welch Foods and the food division of Anheuser Busch in New York, Texas, California and Georgia. He moved back to his native Rome and bought a restaurant to be close to his family. Later he would be accepted into the Emory School of Medicine and became an anesthesia provider. After graduating in 2008, he began working at Redmond Regional Hospital in Rome, where he is currently employed. He also works as an Adjunct Professor for Emory, training students in Anesthesia. He received a BS double major at the University of Georgia in Biology and Psychology, a Baking Science and Technology degree at the American Institute of Baking, and a Master of Medical Science in Anesthesiology at the Emory School of Medicine. Sen. Hufstetler is married to Joan Bojo. They are proud parents of Caleb- an MBA graduate and investment banker. Dr. Schell Hufstetler McCrory- a Health Policy Analyst at the CDC, and Rebeckah- a Summa Cum Laude Physics graduate of the University of Georgia and a Ph.D. candidate in Physics at the University of Oregon. They also have one grandson, Conor.