All certificated and professional staff in public school and school system offices, including nurses and security officers. (Private school educators from accredited schools are also eligible for PAGE membership). Annual Dues - $150

Professional (if student member last year)
If you were a member of SPAGE last year, your first year of membership is 1/2 the normal dues amount. (This is a one-time discount). Annual Dues - $75

Support Personnel
All aides, substitute teachers, bus drivers, maintenance staff, school nutrition staff, central office support staff or school support staff. Annual Dues - $75

Support Personnel (if student member last year)
If you were a member of SPAGE last year, your first year of membership is 1/2 the normal dues amount. (This is a one-time discount). Annual Dues - $37.50 PAGE Foundation

Teacher Apprentice-High School
High school students working in a school as part of a class assignment through the Teacher Apprenticeship Program (TAP). Annual Dues - $7

College Student (SPAGE)
Undergraduate students in colleges and universities. (Coverage applies only for duties performed as a student educator, not for any contract/paid position). If you would like to know more about our student program and activities, please visit the PAGE Foundation Website. Annual Dues - $7

Retired educators (one-year membership). Annual Dues - $25

Retired Life
Retired educators (lifetime, one-payment membership). One time payment - $100

Pre-K/Home School: Teachers and paraprofessionals at state-funded and approved public or private Pre-Kindergarten programs are eligible for PAGE membership. Staff members employed by private, for-profit day-care centers are ineligible for PAGE membership. Also, Home School educators are ineligible for PAGE membership.