A delegation of PAGE representatives recently visited the nation’s capitol to meet with Georgia’s congressional delegation and lobby them on topics such as the reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), continued “fine-tuning” of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), and addressing Social Security issues affecting Georgia educators.

The delegation included Executive Director, Dr. Allene Magill; Membership Director, Tim Callahan; Legislative Manager, Margaret Price, Current President, Dr. Diane Ray; Past President, Deena Hoch, and President-Elect, Kenneth Russell. Three staff persons from the House of Representatives’ Education and the Workforce Committee briefed the delegation on current legislation before the PAGE representatives kicked off a busy three-day itinerary which included meetings with Georgia Senators Zell Miller and Saxby Chambliss as well as Congressman Nathan Deal. The PAGE delegation also met with representatives from Congressmen Phil Gingrey and Charlie Norwood’s offices.

In the midst of their meetings with Georgia’s congressional delegation, the PAGE representatives were able to meet, at length, with Ohio Congressman John Boehner, Chairman of the House of Representatives’ Education and the Workforce Committee. With the Chairman, the PAGE delegation discussed federal funding of IDEA, reauthorization of the Carl Perkins Vocational Education Act, and NCLB. The PAGE representatives were also able to attend a meeting of the Education Committee, presided over by Chairman Boehner, on the Perkins Act before they returned to Atlanta.

Members of the PAGE delegation will continue to monitor the legislation PAGE discussed with congress members in Washington. PAGE will also place links to IDEA and NCLB sites on its home page so PAGE members can monitor the advancement of the legislation and get answers to their questions and concerns. The dialogues we have begun with staff members will also continue.