PAGE Membership
Reaches 57,000

The Professional Association of Georgia Educators (PAGE) announced today that its membership has reached the 57,000 mark. The non-union, independent organization, which was founded in the mid-1970’s by fewer than 100 educators, has been the state’s largest teacher group for the past several years.

“We have had another very successful fall membership drive,” said Tim Callahan, PAGE Membership Director. “Educators across the state responded very favorably to our message of positive professionalism and putting the educational interests of students first.”

Callahan noted the grassroots efforts which have enabled PAGE to more than double its membership over the last ten years. “We owe a great debt to the thousands of PAGE members who are in the capacity of building level or system level contact person. They serve as our best ambassadors and our best recruiters. We also are very proud of the many outstanding chapter and local leaders, including many school and system level teachers of the year who are members of PAGE. Their professional example attracts many beginning teachers to our ranks.”

PAGE provides its members with an array of professional development services, including clinics, workshops, scholarships and a professional journal, PAGE One magazine. It also provides educators with professional liability insurance, legal representation and advocacy at the local and state level. PAGE lobbyists work closely with governmental leaders throughout the year as well as during the legislative session.

The PAGE Foundation, the group’s philanthropic arm, sponsors programs of academic excellence for thousands of students and their teachers annually. The STAR student-teacher program, the Academic Bowl for middle grades, and the high school Academic Decathlon are all PAGE Foundation programs.

To attract outstanding young men and women to the teaching profession, the PAGE Foundation, in association with the international education honor society Phi Delta Kappa, sponsors Future Educators of America chapters in secondary schools across the state. Nearly 6,000 educator majors at colleges and universities are members of SPAGE, the Student Professional Association of Georgia Educators.