PAGE Membership Passes 65,000

The Professional Association of Georgia Educators (PAGE) has announced that its membership had passed the 65,000 mark. Executive Director Allene Magill said that the results of the group’s fall membership campaigns have consistently indicated that, given a choice, teachers across the state prefer to join an organization that provides advocacy which is both proactive and professional. The organization’s membership, as of October 31, was 65,500.

“Educators have been facing numerous challenges at the local, state and federal levels. These challenges are related to funding and to virtually every aspect of what occurs in our schools and classrooms. PAGE has remained a positive voice throughout this period, advocating in a positive and professional manner for our members,” Magill said. “Our message has resonated strongly with new teachers, which is why we have more than doubled in membership over the past ten years.”

PAGE, which has been the largest group for educators in Georgia since the mid-1990’s, has launched “A Year of Professional Learning” activities this year, available to all educators, and has initiated the Teacher Academy for novice teachers and the Teacher of the Year Leadership Institute to build upon the professional skills of teacher leaders who have been named in their districts across the state. The group is currently finalizing its legislative agenda for the upcoming session of the General Assembly.

PAGE, the state's largest organization for professional educators, is a nonunion association of more than 65,000 teachers, administrators and support personnel members with the purpose of promoting better education for the children of Georgia.