Recent Headlines Regarding
Proposed QCC Revisions

Recent headlines have drawn attention to serious concerns with at least two areas of the proposed revision of the QCC. Social studies and science have both been in media reports.

We have asked members of our PAGE Board of Directors who are subject area teachers to review the proposed curriculum prior to our February 9 board meeting. These individuals, some of whom are nationally board certified in their fields, will come to Atlanta for the meeting and we look forward to a thorough discussion.

The QCC revisions are in a two-month period of public comment and will be acted upon in the spring by the State Board of Education. We believe that the process of public comment should be a vigorous one and that all educators across the state, as well as parents and other citizens should carefully analyze the revision and provide maximum input to the State Board so that we can insure the very best curriculum is ultimately adopted.

We urge all PAGE members to visit the Department of Education website: and fully inform themselves on the curriculum areas that will most affect them. The website provides an opportunity for direct feedback to the DOE and we urge all Georgians to take full advantage of this opportunity.