The Professional Association of Georgia Educators (PAGE) has announced that Dr. Anna Brown, a Hart County Schools educator, will be the 2006-2007 president of the 65,000 member professional association, the largest such group in Georgia. Dr. Brown served as president-elect this past school year.

Dr. Brown is an assistant principal at Hart County Middle School and is also a national board certified teacher. Her twenty-one years of experience in education in Hart County include nineteen as a classroom teacher and two as an administrator. She has been a PAGE member since 1984. She has been an active member of PAGE, serving on several committees and task forces and as a leader at the local level of the organization.

Dr. Brown joined with other PAGE leaders last fall on a trip to Washington, D.C. to discuss with members of Congress and federal officials the need for change and flexibility in the No Child Left Behind legislation, additional federal funding for special education and to express support for the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. A follow-up trip is scheduled for late September.

“It is an honor to lead Georgia’s premier organization for educators,” Dr. Brown said. “PAGE’s commitment and comprehensive effort to enhance the professional skills of teacher leaders will enhance the education of all students and assist our efforts to make our schools better places for teachers to teach and students to learn.”

Dr. Brown took office during the organization’s summer conference held earlier this summer.

PAGE, the state's largest organization for professional educators, is a nonunion association of more than 65,000 teachers, administrators and support personnel members with the purpose of promoting better education for the children of Georgia.