PSC’s Proposed Special Education Rule Changes

UPDATE - 7/13/2005

On July 11, 2005 the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (PSC) held a public hearing on the issue of certification changes for special education teachers. PAGE Assistant General Counsel Margaret Elliott spoke on behalf of PAGE members to express concerns about proposed certification changes. (Information on the proposed changes and a letter to Dr. F.D. Toth, Executive Director of the PSC, which formed the basis of PAGE comments can be found on the PAGE website.) After the hearing, Dr. Toth and the PSC board members met to discuss all the concerns presented at the hearing.

The following day, July 12, 2005 at the regular meeting of the PSC, Dr. Toth gave a report regarding the proposed rule changes. He noted that many of the people who spoke at the hearing stated that more time was needed for special education teachers to become "highly qualified" based on the requirements under "No Child Left Behind." The current deadline is June 30, 2006 and PAGE specifically asked the PSC to re-visit this issue with the U.S. Department of Education to implement a new deadline of June 30, 2007. Dr. Toth stated that the Georgia PSC would meet again with the U.S. DOE and to make this request, because of the critical need to keep special education teachers in the classroom in Georgia. It was pointed out that the result of the current June 30, 2006 deadline might result in a great many long term substitute teachers being placed in special education classrooms in the fall of 2006.

Next, Dr. Toth stated that federal funds sent to Georgia school systems under Title II A can be used to pay for classes that special education teachers need to complete in order to be "highly qualified." It is our understanding that this Title II A money can also be used to pay the cost of Praxis II exams that special education teachers may take as an alternative to coursework in order to be "highly qualified." During the public hearing, PAGE made the suggestion that the state or the school systems bear the cost of the Praxis II exams for special education teachers.

Dr. Toth did not address PAGE’s request to have the PSC’s college course content requirement reduced from five to four college classes, in the academic content area. He also did not address PAGE’s request that PSC work with the Educational Testing Service (ETS) to create a "Fundamentals of High School Academic Subjects" Praxis II test so that high school special education teachers will not have to take all five Praxis II tests to be highly qualified in every academic subject area. The PSC is in the process of changing testing companies and so we can continue to advocate that PSC work with the new testing company to create such a test for high school special education teachers.

Dr. Toth did not address PAGE’s request for PSC/DOE to create delivery models to assist school systems in implementing plans where the regular education teacher would be the "teacher of record" and the special education teacher would collaborate with the regular education teacher. At this point, it appears that each school system will be responsible for developing their own delivery models concerning "teacher of record." However, the "teacher of record" issue was addressed in the area of CPI forms (school personnel count forms submitted to the state for funding) and FTE count. PSC will work with DOE to change the CPI forms so that the special education teachers will not have to be the teacher of record. This would mean that the special education teachers could remain at their current school without having to be the "teacher of record" for a certain number of students.

The PSC then voted to approve the proposed rules as currently written. These will go into effect August 15, 2005.


Proposed changes to special education certification rules were re-initiated at the May 12, 2005 PSC meeting. The PSC made changes to the proposed rules after meeting with the US Department of Education. The new proposed rule changes are posted on the PSC website at www.gapsc.comand the PSC will be accepting public comment during the next 30 days. There may be a vote at the PSC meeting on July 14, 2005, and if that vote takes place, the rule change would take effect August 14, 2005. However, if the PSC receives a great deal of feedback, they may decide to re-write these rules and repeat the initiation phase.

Highlights of the proposed rule changes for special education: