The PAGE National Board Certification Scholarship Program provides $2000 for a limited number of PAGE members. This $2000 scholarship program will only be offered one time in 2006 and the deadline date is September 29, 2006. All completed applications will be reviewed by a panel of Nationally Board Certified Teachers and PAGE staff members. Before completing the application, it is highly recommended that information concerning the National Board Certification process and the standards for the area in which you are seeking national board certification be reviewed. This information describes what teachers should know and be able to do. Additional information is available at, and
The cost to make application and formally pursue National Board Certification is $2,300. The PAGE Foundation will, on a competitive basis, assist PAGE members with the cost of NBPTS fees. The information needed for this year's application is below:
Financial Aid
Click here to download and save the application to your computer.
Candidates who must retake portions of the National Board Certification requirements must pay approximately $300 to the NBPTS for each area to be retaken, and in most instances these expenditures are not reimbursed and only limited scholarship assistance is available.
The PAGE Foundation offers one-time $300 grants to PAGE members who must retake a portion of their National Board Certification (NBC) requirements. The intent of this grant program is to assist PAGE members who need financial aid to complete the National Board Certification process. Grants will be awarded competitively with all funds paid directly to the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS).
Click here to find out more about PAGE Banking Assistance.
Remember, PAGE is here to assist you in reaching the goal of becoming a National Board Certified teacher!