Curriculum and Testing (11)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0134 HotState government; meetings relating to cybersecurity contracting and planning from open meeting requirements; exclude Victor Anderson
4/29/2021 Effective Date 2021-04-29 Judiciary Science and Technology -
Curriculum and Testing Student Matters
HB 0287 HotAdd vaping dangers to health curriculum Bonnie Rich
4/27/2021 Effective Date 2021-07-01 Education Education and Youth -
Curriculum and Testing Student Matters
HB 0681 WatchFinancial Litereacy for students 10-11 grades Bill Yearta
4/4/2022 Senate - Senate Passed/Adopted By Substitute Education Education and Youth -
Curriculum and Testing
HB 0885 WatchAnother Divisive Concepts Bill Dave Belton
2/2/2022 House - House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Education --
Accountability Curriculum and Testing Student Matters
Mullis rules chairman sponsored
HB 1084 WatchDivisive Concepts Will Wade
4/28/2022 Effective Date 2022-07-01 Education Education and Youth -
Accountability Curriculum and Testing Student Matters
Wade sponsored bill
HB 1303 WatchElementary Ag Robert Dickey
4/13/2022 Effective Date 2022-07-01 Education Agriculture and Consumer Affairs -
Curriculum and Testing Student Matters
SB 0220 Passed"The Georgia Civics Renewal Act"; enact Chuck Payne
4/28/2022 Effective Date 2022-04-28 Education Education and Youth -
Curriculum and Testing
SB 0226 WorkHarmful Materials to Minors Jason Anavitarte
4/28/2022 Effective Date 2022-07-01 Judiciary - Non-Civil Judiciary -
Accountability Curriculum and Testing Student Matters
SB 0375 WatchEducation; state agencies and certain local government entities to take measures to prevent the use of curricula or training programs which act upon, promote, or encourage certain concepts, with exceptions; require Jeff Mullis
1/27/2022 Senate - Senate Read and Referred -Education and Youth -
Accountability Curriculum and Testing
SB 0377 WatchDivisive Concepts Senate Version Bo Hatchett
3/16/2022 House - House Second Readers Education Education and Youth -
Accountability Curriculum and Testing Student Matters
SB 0449 HotParental Rights Clint Dixon
2/28/2022 House - House Second Readers Education Education and Youth -
Accountability Curriculum and Testing Records Student Matters
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.