Bills Assigned to Keyword - Week of 01.18.2016 (10)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 6/21/2024

H 3191 Creates the Office of Freedom of Information Act Review with in Administrative Law Court03.15.2016 The Senate Judiciary Committee gave this bill a favorable report as amended by the subcommittee. There was a minority report placed on the bill.03.01.2016 The Senate Judiciary Committee carried this bill over.02.16.2016 The Senate Judiciary Committee carried this bill over.02.09.2016 The Senate Judiciary Committee carried this bill over.02.03.2016 A Senate Judiciary subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report with an amendment. The amendment provides that an appeal from the Administrative Law Court automatically halts the the FOIA production requirement. The amendment also clarifies that a public body has the ability to appeal an action to the Office of FOIA review, it adds greater flexibility to the final documentation production time and protects public bodies from FOIA requests that seek personal information for commercial solicitation.01.21.2016 A Senate Judiciary subcommittee met and heard testimony on this bill but did not take action.05.20.2015 A Senate Judiciary subcommittee adjourned debate on this bill.05.13.2015 A Senate Judiciary subcommittee carried this bill over.05.06.2015 A Senate Judiciary subcommittee carried this bill over.02.10.2015 The House Judiciary Committee gave this bill a favorable report with amendments. The amendments set attorney's fees, remove two hours of free time for records retrieval that was included in the previous versions, and specifies that the 30 day production deadline doesn't start running until the 25 percent deposit has been paid by the party submitting a request. 02.04.2015 The House Judiciary Constitutional Laws subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report.Summary of the bill as introduced: Creates the Office of Freedom of Information Act Review within Administrative Law Court and reduces the time in which a public body has to respond to requests from 15 days to ten days.
Sponsor: Weston Newton House Com: Senate Com:
Status: Scrivener's error corrected Status Date: 3/17/2016
Keywords: FOIA Week of 01.18.2016 Week of 02.01.2016 Week of 02.08.2016 Week of 02.15.2016 Week of 02.29.2016 Week of 03.14.2016
H 4457 Increases the civil jurisdiction of magistrates court 01.26.2016 The House Judiciary Committee gave this bill a favorable report as amended by the subcommittee.01.21.2016 The House Judiciary Constitutional Laws subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report with an amendment. The amendment increases the jurisdiction of magistrates court from $7,000 to $25,000.Summary of the bill as introduced: Increases the civil jurisdiction of magistrates court  from $7,500 to $15,000.
Sponsor: Chip Huggins House Com: Senate Com:
Status: Senate - Referred to Committee on Judiciary Status Date: 2/10/2016
Keywords: Courts House Week of 01.18.2016 Week of 01.25.2016
Of Interest
H 4565 Makes changes to the Dams and Reservoirs Safety Act02.25.2016 The House Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Committee recommitted this bill back to the subcommittee.02.24.2016 The House Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Agriculture subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment makes technical changes to the existing bill.02.17.2016 The House Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Agriculture subcommittee adjourned debate on this bill. 01.20.2016 The House Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Agriculture subcommittee adjourned debate on this bill.Summary of the bill as introduced: Provides further requirements, regulatory provisions and procedures for dam and reservoir safety including dam classification, permitting, registration, inspection, emergency action and maintenance plans, and financial assurance requirement.
Sponsor: James Lucas House Com: Senate Com:
Status: House - Referred to Committee on Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Status Date: 1/12/2016
Keywords: General Governance House Week of 01.18.2016 Week of 02.15.2016 Week of 02.22.2016
Of Interest
H 4573 Extends the date for the report from the State and Local Level Veterans Issues Study Committee01.20.2016 THh House Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs Military and Public Affairs subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report.Summary of the bill as introduced: Extends the date for the report from the State and Local Level Veterans Issues Study Committee and requires biennial reports.
Sponsor: James Smith House Com: Senate Com:
Status: Senate - Referred to Committee on General Status Date: 1/28/2016
Keywords: General Governance House Week of 01.18.2016
Of Interest
H 4660 Allows certain insurance producers to write surplus lines insurance without also being licensed as a broker01.20.2016 The full House Labor, Commerce and Industry Committee gave this bill a favorable report as amended by the subcommittee. 01.19.2016 The House Labor, Commerce and Industry Insurance subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment deletes section one of the bill. Summary of the bill as introduced: Allows insurance producers to write surplus lines insurance without also being licensed as a broker.
Sponsor: William Sandifer House Com: Senate Com:
Status: Act No. 137 Status Date: 3/7/2016
Keywords: General Governance Week of 01.11.2016 Week of 01.18.2016
H 4661 Outlines requirements for acceptable piping material for use in certain infrastructure projects05.17.2016 The Senate Finance Sales and Income Tax subcommittee carried this bill over.04.20.2016 The House Labor,Commerce and Industry Committee gave this bill a favorable report as amended by the subcommittee.04.19.2016 The House Labor, Commerce and Industry Public Utilities subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment narrows the bill's applicability to construction, rebuild or repair bidding where state funds are used, and requires that the engineering practices and design requirements be determined by an "official engineer of the governmental agency."01.20.2016 The House Labor, Commerce and Industry Public Utilities subcommittee adjourned debate on this bill.Summary of the bill as introduced: Outlines requirements for acceptable piping material for use in certain infrastructure projects.
Sponsor: Michael Forrester House Com: Senate Com:
Status: Senate - Referred to Committee on Finance Status Date: 4/28/2016
Keywords: Utilities Week of 01.11.2016 Week of 01.18.2016 Week of 04.18.2016 Week of 05.16.2016
Of Interest
S 0255 Requires removal of arrest records on websites if the charges have been dismissed or discharged02.08.2016 The conference committee was granted free conference powers to change the bill. The final conference report expands expungement law to municipal ordinance offenses, among others. The bill also makes the new expungement availability retroactive to individuals who were previously denied expungement.01.21.2016 A conference committee met but did not take action on the bill. 05.05.2015 The House Judiciary Committee gave this bill a favorable report.04.30.2015 The House Judiciary Criminal Laws subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report with an amendment. The amendment allows the records up for destruction to be retained beyond the statutory period if they are being used in an ongoing action.03.24.2015 The Senate Judiciary Committee gave this bill a favorable report with an amendment. The amendment provides that for dismissed criminal offenses, including traffic offenses and local ordinance offenses, for which an individual was not fingerprinted are eligible for expungement.03.17.2015 The Senate Judiciary Committee carried this bill over. 03.11.2015 A Senate Judiciary subcommittee took no action although it was on the agenda. 03.10.2015 The Senate Judiciary Committee recommitted this bill back to the subcommittee03.03.2015 The Senate Judiciary Committee carried this bill over.02.24.2015 The Senate Judiciary Committee carried this bill over.02.17.2015 A Senate Judiciary subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. As soon as the amendment is written by Senate staff, it will be posted.Summary of the bill as introduced: Requires removal of arrest records on websites within 30 days if the charges have been dismissed, discharged or the person is found not guilty.
Sponsor: Paul Thurmond House Com: Senate Com:
Status: Act No. 132 Status Date: 2/23/2016
Keywords: Courts Week of 01.18.2016 Week of 02.08.2016
S 0561 Reforms the SC Department of Transportation01.28.2016 The full Senate Transportation Committee gave this bill a favorable report with amendments. The amendments creates a ten member commission nominated by each Council of Governments board and chosen by the governor. The commission then chooses the secretary of transportation.01.26.2016 A Senate Transportation subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment allows the governor to appoint seven commissioners from seven districts with the chairman of the commission also a member of the State Infrastructure Bank.01.20.2016 The Senate Transportation Committee recommitted this bill to the subcommittee.04.01.2015 The Senate Transportation Committee carried this bill over.03.25.2015 The Senate Transportation Committee carried this bill over.03.18.2015 The Senate Transportation DOT Reform subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report with an amendment. The amendment allows the governor to appoint one commissioner per congressional district with two at large seats with no two commission members from the same county.Summary of the bill as introduced: Changes the governing structure of the SC Department of Transportation.
Sponsor: Lawrence Grooms House Com: Senate Com:
Status: House - Referred to Committee on Judiciary Status Date: 4/27/2016
Keywords: General Governance Transportation Week of 01.18.2016 Week of 01.25.2016
Of Interest
S 0928 Prohibits state agencies from taking action in relation to refugees placed in the state 01.26.2016 A Senate General subcommittee carried this bill over.01.19.2016 A Senate General subcommittee carried this bill over.Summary of the bill as introduced: Prohibits state agencies from taking action in relation to refugees placed in the state until new security measures are implemented by the federal government. The resolution also directs state and local law enforcement to confirm refugees placed in the state do not pose a safety risk.
Sponsor: Kevin Bryant House Com: Senate Com:
Status: Senate - Referred to Committee on General Status Date: 1/13/2016
Keywords: General Governance Senate Week of 01.18.2016 Week of 01.25.2016
Of Interest
S 0997 Prohibits state or local funds from being expended for the benefit of refugees05.19.2016 The House Judiciary Committee adjourned debate on this bill.05.05.2016 The House Judiciary Constitutional Laws subcommittee did not report this bill out of subcommittee. The vote ended in a tie.04.28.2016 The House Judiciary Constitutional Laws subcommittee adjourned debate on this bill.01.27.2016 The full Senate General Committee gave this bill a favorable report as amended by the subcommittee. 01.26.2016 A Senate General subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendments add a requirement of refugees to register with DSS, allows a civil cause of action and requires SLED to determine the safety of the refugees. 01.19.2016 A Senate General subcommittee carried this bill over.Summary of the bill as introduced: Prohibits state or local funds from being expended for the direct or indirect benefit of refugees until legislation specifically authorizes the expenditure.
Sponsor: Lee Bright House Com: Senate Com:
Status: House - Referred to Committee on Judiciary Status Date: 4/12/2016
Keywords: General Governance Week of 01.11.2016 Week of 01.18.2016 Week of 01.25.2016 Week of 04.25.2016 Week of 05.02.2016 Week of 05.16.2016
Of Interest

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