.....................Georgia Association for Supervison and Curriculum Development


© 2005 GASCD


Georgia ASCD 2004-2005
Drive-In Conferences

Wednesday, March 16, 2005 Presenter: Dr. Kay Burke
  Topic: Authentic Assessments Correlated to Georgia Performance Standards
  Location: Macon area - TBA
  Time: 4:30pm - 7:30pm
 Build on new knowledge gained at the annual GASCD Conference before or after February!
Dr. Burke will demonstrate how administrators and staff developers can collaborate with teachers to develop original assessment tools correlated to the needs of their students, the district's curricular goals, and the Georgia Performance Standards. This awareness session showcases the process by which school-wide and district-level teams meet to analyze the data and create motivating performance tasks to address targeted skills. This integrated curriculum design differentiates the content, process and product in order to meet the academic needs of all students. The assessment teams use the vocabulary from the Georgia Performance Standards to develop criteria checklists and rubrics to help students meet and exceed the standards. Learn how teachers are implementing these valid assessment tools to analyze their students' work and adjust their instruction. Review sample units created and used by teacher teams at different grade levels and in different subject areas in Georgia. Hear from administrators who are seeing positive results in their schools and from teachers who are more confident in their grading procedures.

Participants will learn the following:
How performance assessments foster higher-ordering thinking skills;
  How the Georgia Performance Standards can be integrated into instruction;
  How the vocabulary in the Georgia Performance Standards should be correlated to all assessments;
  How teams of teachers can create original and valid assessment tools;
  How checklists and rubrics can help students do quality work;
How checklists and rubrics can help teachers grade fairly and consistently;
How assessment can drive instruction:
How teams of teachers working collaboratively can share their assessment tools;
How administrators can empower the teachers to become assessment leaders.