.....................Georgia Association for Supervison and Curriculum Development
© 2005 GASCD


The Georgia ASCD Mission

The Mission of Georgia ASCD is "To Improve the quality of education by promoting effective practices in the areas of curriculum, instruction, and supervision." In order to accomplish this mission, we believe the following:
That All Students should have a well planned educational program with opportunities to study a full range of school curriculum. A balanced program reflects the nature of knowledge, the needs and interests of individual learners, and the nature of society and the world.
That students should become responsible for their own learning. Schools should emphasize self-discipline and teach students how to learn and think for themselves.
That leaders make decisions and achieve group and individual goals more fully by developing collective vision and by practicing shared leadership.
That all students should be treated equitably. Schools should demonstrate and foster in their students respect for the dignity and worth of all persons.
That cultural diversity in schools and in the curriculum helps prepare students for life in our multi-cultural society and interdependent world.
That every child should have access to the highest quality instructional practices, methodology, and resources possible.
That all educators should be accountable and responsive to their publics and their colleagues.
That all educators should pursue opportunities for professional growth and development. We should provide a means to discuss and consider emergent and controversial issues and practices.
That all educators should rely on and use sound educational research to promote quality educational practices.
That for democracy to survive, students must learn democratic values and practices. The future of our world depends on citizens who are well informed and willing to work for civic improvement.
Georgia ASCD is dedicated to developing the capacity of each member in order to meet the challenge of its mission. Through The Reporter, regional meetings, and statewide conference, we seek to provide opportunities for professional growth and a forum for statewide and national issues. Georgia ASCD also informs its members about sound educational research as well as quality educational practices.
We believe it is incumbent upon us as educational leaders to make certain that every child in Georgia is provided a quality education. Through the Strategic and Diversity Plan, every member of Georgia ASCD can contribute to help make our mission a reality.